Page 32 - Banking Finance January 2022
P. 32


         Y   It may result in the closure of many bank branches,  interim period to ensure no disruption in services. But
             administrative offices, and ATMs. This may result in  after these accounts are seamlessly merged into the
             relocation of Staffs.                               financial system of the new merged bank, Customer
                                                                 may be required to change their Credit/debit cards as
         Y   It could ignite clashes between MDs (Managing
             Directors), EDs (Executive Directors), and GMs (General  well.
             Managers). Senior executives in sync are vital while  Y Paperwork and keeping financial trail of fixed deposits
             incorporating the works, plans and services.        made will increase a bit as these will be transferred into
                                                                 the merged bank.
         Y   Because of different banking nature, banks don't share
             the same culture, systems, and procedures. This may  Y It is, however, not clear what will happen to the interest
             also lead to clashes. Perhaps large banks may not treat  rates of those who have loans running with these banks
             the smaller banks employee equally. This could affect  as the MCLR rates are different for different banks.
             employees' promotion. Furthermore, there may be
             possible grounds that out of hatred they could transfer Conclusion
             the employees to far-flung places. This may create an  Mergers or amalgamations are important for the
             unhealthy working environment in the workplace.  consolidation and expansion purposes, They are also crucial
         Y   Public Sector Bank Mergers may also bring down the  for Economy as they are most of the times successful in
             number of posts at the top-level executives (MDs, EDs,  saving weak banks which fail in meeting expectations. As
             and GMs).                                        per studies conducted, most of the mergers done in the past
                                                              have proved to be an overall success for the weaker banks
         Y   The merger of a weak bank to a stronger one will also
                                                              although there are no concrete parameters to verify this
             affect the efficacy of the stronger bank. The losses  observation. Hence going by the track record merger and
             incurred by the weak banks may wipe-out the profits  acquisition in Indian banking have been fruitful for the Indian
             earned by these strong banks.
                                                              Economy. But Merger also creates variety of problems which
                                                              can cause great damage if the process of merger is not
         Here is how Customer's are likely to be              executed properly.
         impacted by this move:
         Almost every other individual who has a savings account or  So, the point is that Amalgamation should be carried out
         fixed deposit with a public sector bank is likely to be  with the utmost care and executed in a manner which leads
         impacted.                                            to an environment of Trust and agreement between all the
         Y   Get ready to change the cheque books as the various  organizations. If these things are taken properly, and if
             banks get merged. While the existing cheque books  people, work culture and vision are blended together nicely,
             may remain valid for some time, but ultimately they  merger may definitely have synergic effects it can create a
                                                              win-win situation. Otherwise consequences can be
             may be replaced with the cheque books of the merged
             entity.                                          damaging.
         Y   Customer's would have given their bank account   Amalgamation had already taken place. Soon the Time will
             numbers and IFSC codes for various financial     tell us, whether the Amalgamation of Public Sector Banks
             transactions like auto credit of dividends via ECS, auto-  in India proves to be Boon or Bane?
             credit of salary, auto debit of systematic investment
             plans (SIPs) in mutual funds and various bills/charges etc. References:
             After these accounts are seamlessly merged into the  Y
             financial system of the new merged bank, Customer
             may be required to change the details of their bank
             given for these purposes.                        Y
         Y   Credit/debit cards issued by the merging banks may
             have to be exchanged for those of the merged entity  Y
             although the former are likely to remain valid for the  Y T

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