Page 36 - Banking Finance January 2022
P. 36


             Chinese Investment Corporation (CIC) entered into a 50-  its presence. The DBS India is a WOS in India and
             50 joint venture with an SWF in Singapore. Many such  Temasek Holding, promptly used the leeway to scale up.
             known and un-known partnerships or strategic tie-ups  Whether, culturally and economically does it make
             have come about in the last five years or so. Such  sense to take such a risk when banking itself is going to
             partnering apart from giving edge in financial leverage  be less and less brick-and-mortar is another matter.In
             and negotiation is also meant for political cover is the  the current takeover of  the  weak Lakshmi Vilas bank
             argument by experts in the subject.                 in India by the SWF supported DBS India in Nov 2020,
                                                                 the motive, transparency and the real objective is
         Y   Many Legal issues and Tax issues have also cropped up
             with the growth of SWF in the world of foreign      unclear.
             investment. Though the taxation of foreign investments  Y There is also an issue of systemic risk, from SWF singly
             is a favourable one with exemptions from capital    or acting in tandem,  through its investments in Global
             appreciation or dividend income in many countries, it  banks,  as is noticed in sub-prime days when SWFs raised
             has come into conflict with domestic / foreign private  their stakes in big global banks like Citigroup, UBS,
             equity investors. There is an issue of 'level playing  Morgan Stanley, Barclays etc.
             ground'  often touted  by the domestic investors when
             it comes to tax exemptions.                      7.0 Sceneto the future
         Y   The next issue relates to foreign investment climate. In  SWFs are increasingly metamorphosing from passive investors
             India, to some extent in our enthusiasm to attract  in government securities to active investors in riskier
             foreign capital, we have also liberalised the investment  investments and equity markets. The component of SWF in
             regime. In May 2016, the RBI allowed foreign banks to  Inward FDI is going up in the world which clearly underscores
             acquire 10 per cent in Indian Private Banks. The circular  the risks emanating from sovereign actors in the conduct of
             further allows foreign banks to take higher stake in  international business. Arguably, this brings with it a bouquet
             private banks in the case of re-structuring of a weak  of issues with regard toBanking Capital, governance,
             bank or in the interest of consolidation in the banking  management and regulatory aspects in world of investing and
             sector though subject to certain conditions.  The RBI  banking business. The goal of this article was to provide
             Circulars subsequently has also favoured the Wholly-  insights for a better understanding of the SWF, in such a fast
             owned Subsidiaries (WOS)of  Foreign Banks to increase  changing landscape of Banking & Finance. T

                     HDFC Bank inks a MoU with Agra Smart City to launch
                                                 'Mera Agra' app

           HDFC Bank signed a memorandum of understanding with Agra Smart City to launch "Mera Agra" app that would
           enhance ease of living for the citizens and improve tourists experience. The app would be a convenient source for
           accessing comprehensive information about the city and availing its public services. Citizens would be able to register
           births and deaths through the app and also pay bills for water, property, parking and taxes. Users can use the app to
           book tickets to historical monuments, get information related to timetable and fare of bus, train, and other modes of
           transport and tourism.
           "HDFC Bank supports all government initiatives aimed at enhancing ease of living and welfare of the people," said
           Axay Kumar Dixit, Circle Head of HDFC Bank. "This collaboration would unify all services delivery and grievances redressal
           facilities for citizens and tourists alike. This is a great move by the city administration for the benefit of the people.
           This will go a long way in improving the stature and reputation of the city."
           Mera Agra app would also enable the city administration to monitor progress on initiatives under Agra Smart City
           Development. The city administration would be able to monitor cleanliness, which is its top priority under SwachhBharat
           Abhiyan, to improve tourists' experience. Citizens would be able to communicate directly with the city administration
           to resolve their grievances related to their area and neighbourhood. Citizens can use the app to report issues to draw
           officials' attention. For example, to report potholes, pile of garbage or any unclean area they can click and uploading
           its picture on the app. An assigned officer will send back a photo after the issue is resolved.

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