Page 28 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 28







         & FUTURE

          Introduction                                        delivered to customers needs re-orientation. With social
                                                              distancing norms still in force, re-orienting the digital
          The COVID-19 pandemic has brought economies to a
                                                              banking approach is a primary agenda for the industry.
          standstill and has provided considerable challenges to
          banking and financial institutions. However, the banking
                                                              The article endeavours to analyse critical value factors
          industry has shown tremendous alacrity during the ongoing
                                                              relevant to the banking industry to stay relevant now and
          pandemic. To give an example, bank branches were closed
                                                              rise above in the future.
          when clients stayed at home, redirecting their resources and
          customers to digital channels. Banks extended loan deferrals  Challenges for Retail Banks
          or moratoriums to help financially distressed customers
                                                             Banks now confront additional hurdles as the new reality
         weather the crisis.
                                                             begins to take shape. The pandemic has accelerated
                                                             changes already underway and sparked new ones. Owing
         As the knock-out effect of the pandemic spreads, the domain
                                                             to the pandemic, the banking revenue has taken a
         of retail banking juggles to reposition and recalibrate the
                                                             significant beating, and the industry's revenue pool is under
         business priorities and customer expectations. The banks
                                                             pressure. Relevant reports suggest under the most
         realise today that the product, process and experience
                                                             optimistic scenario; those pools are not expected to return
                                                             to pre-crisis levels until 2022.
                               About the author
                                                             Customers are making a move to the digital channels faster
                        Mukti Prakash Behera                 than they have earlier. Online banking and mobile banking
                        Faculty (Marketing)                  use has increased to a considerable level. These changes are
                        State Bank Institute of              expected to last, speeding up the transition to digital media
                        Consumer Banking                     by three to four years compared to pre-crisis trends.

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