Page 27 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 27


         the predominant predicate offence in TBML cases whereas  locations, location of their suppliers and customers, and
         10% of the jurisdictions have reported customs offences as  where appropriate, identify key suppliers and
         the main predicate offence. Other responses indicate that  customers, in order to assess the TBML risks posed by
         predicate offences are often related to commercial fraud,  these customers and their transactions.
         IPR, Narcotics, human trafficking, terrorist financing,  Second line of defense: The Compliance team
         embezzlement,corruption, organized crime (racketeering),  at Controlling officers
         dealing in banned goods, conducting illegal business,
         speculation etc. One Reporting jurisdiction indicated that  The compliance team should have trade finance
         ML is considered to bean autonomous offence and there is  expertise to review, assess and provide feedback on the
         no need to prove the existence or nature of the predicate  TBML red flags identified by the front office and trade
         offence in order to prosecute hence as a consequence, there  processing teams. The Compliance team should perform
         is no systemic link between MLcases and other crimes.   assurance testing on a regular basis to ensure timely
                                                                 identification of ineffective TBML controls. Information
         Combatting TBML                                         on trade transactions or TBML related escalations,
         a) Common steps taken by many countries                 controls weaknesses and remedial action plans,
                                                                 together with other issues noted by Compliance should
             include:-                                           be regularly reported to senior management for
             Y Data Mining of existing customers
                                                                 effective oversight.
             Y Site visits to high transacting customers
                                                                 Third line of defense - Internal Audit
             Y Cross border wire transfer remittances - Analysis  As the third and last line of defense, internal audit,
                 such as [ Many to one, One to Many, top Remitters,  should conduct a holistic assessment of the Bank's
                 top Beneficiaries]                              framework to combat TBML, including the assessment
             Y Effective coordination of all financial crime     of adequacy of policies and procedures and
                 compliance functions within the country - Cyber  effectiveness of testing of relevant controls. Internal
                 security, tax department, customs.              audit should design a TBML focused test plan and ensure
             Y Artificial Intelligence enabling the bank's systems to  that the staff performing the testing have requisite
                 simulate intelligent behaviour and make well    trade finance and AML/CFT skill.
                 informed decisions with little or no human
                 intervention                                 Conclusion
             Y Example of USA - TRADE TRANSPARENCY UNITS      The key finding to above dissection of TBML remain as
                                                              greater awareness about all aspects of the trade process,
                 "In 2004, US (HSI) initiated TTU  to dismantle
                 Transnational Criminal Organisations (TCOs) .  TTU  including how different financing processes are managed,
                 partners with customs and financial agencies  would likely increase opportunities to detect and successfully
                 around the world to detect trade discrepancies and  disrupt Trade Based Money Laundering. At the same time
                 violations.  TTU focused on sharing of information  a risk-based approach support by strong system based checks
                 by sharing IE declaration of US with counterpart IE  is required so that a balance between a need to encourage
                                                              legitimate trade and regulate the illegitimate trade is
                 declaration value thereby enhancing level of
                 transparency."                               achieved. Employee training is must as in all the three
                                                              defenses of TBML, people play a key role and better updated
         b) Adopting a Risk Based Approach as per             and equipped they are would go a long way in adding to
             Wolfsberg Guidance and creating well             robust Anti TBML regime.
             equipped and evolving three lines of
                                                              Source :
             defence as under:
                                                              X  TBML-Trends & development = EGMONT group of
             First line of defense Front office staff
                                                                 Financial units.
             Front Office Staff  should have good knowledge of their
             customers, including, but not limited to, the customer's  X  BAFT-Combatting TBML :Rethinking the Approach 2017
             business, its trading profile across different   X  FATF: Document TBML 2006.
             geographies, sources of raw materials, manufacturing  X  APG: TBML Typologies report 2012. T

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