Page 22 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 22


         TBML- GROWING

         COHERENCE &

         MISUSE OF



         T         BML was defined by the FATF in 2006 as 'the  risk mitigation and settlement of payment for cross-border

                                                              transactions. A number of international entities and National
                   process of disguising the proceeds of crime and
                                                              regulators including the Financial Action Task Force (FATF),
                   moving value through the use of trade
                   transactions in an attempt to legitimize their
                                                              Group have all drawn attention to the misuse of Trade
                   illicit origins.' TBML and terrorist financing  the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Wolfsberg
         (TBML/FT) refer to the process of disguising the proceeds  Finance as one of the ways that criminal organizations and
         of crime and moving value through the use of trade   terrorist financiers move money to disguise its origins and
         transactions in an attempt to legitimise their illegal origin  integrate it into the legitimate economy.
         or finance their activities."
                                                              Key characteristics of Global trade that
         The crime involves a number of schemes in order to
         complicate the documentation of legitimate trade     makes it more vulnerable for Money
         transactions; such actions may include moving illicit goods, Laundering
         falsifying documents, misrepresenting financial transactions,  4  Cross border transactions provide opportunities to take
         and under- or over-invoicing the value of goods. The primary  advantage of differences in legal systems of various
         role of banks in international trade is to provide financing,  jurisdictions.
                                                              4  TBML necessarily requires intermingling of the trade
                               About the author                  sector with the finance sector. Criminals take advantage

                         Sheetal Sharma                          of vulnerabilities of both the sectors. Merely having an
                         Chief Manager & Faculty                 AML regime for the finance sector becomes inadequate
                         Bank of Baroda                          unless such a regime effectively covers the
                         Baroda Academy New Delhi                corresponding trade sector.

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