Page 17 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 17


         The bank in Punjab was placed under  Pravin Zantye as the vice chairman of  were suspended for allegedly swindling
         all-inclusive directions on close of busi-  the bank. Oncologist Dr Shekhar Salkar  Rs. 2.39 crore. They had pledged fake
         ness on March 25, 2019, which was  is a director of the bank, too.    jewellery with the bank and swindled
         later extended up to March 24, 2020,                                  the amount, it was learnt after a de-
                                            In 2019-20, the bank reported a net
         and further extended till October 24,  profit of Rs 2.32 crore, a 3% decline  partmental enquiry.
         2021.                              over the previous year. Loan defaults  Cooperative bank officials said the sus-
         The RBI had said then that it has been  stood at Rs 21.8 crore indicating gross  pended staff were: S. Lingappa, gen-
         closely monitoring the situation and  non-performing assets (NPA) at 7.25%  eral  manager  in-charge;  K.
         unlike in the case of commercial banks,  of total advances. Net NPAs stood at  Jagadeesan, cashier; B. Saravanan,
         the Reserve Bank has no powers to  Rs 8.5 crore in 2019-20. The bank's  clerk and V. Mohan, appraiser.
         draw up an enforceable scheme of re-  deposits stood at Rs 522 crore as on
                                                                               Among them, Mohan was a temporary
         construction of a cooperative bank.  March 31, 2020. The latest financial
                                                                               staff. They were working with the bank
         Nevertheless, in the interest of the de-  figures were unavailable.   for more than a decade.
         positors and the stability of the coop-  The recent inspection report revealed  A complaint was registered with the
         erative banking sector, the Reserve  non-compliance with RBI's directions  Commercial Crime Investigation (CCI)
         Bank of India, in consultation with vari-  pertaining to credit exposure and KYC.  wing of the Tamil Nadu police in
         ous stakeholders and authorities, is  RBI had issued a showcause notice to  Chennai by S. Kamalakannan, deputy
         working for revival of the bank, the RBI  the bank seeking clarification and ad-  registrar, Tamil Nadu State Apex Co-
         had said.                          vising the Bicholim headquartered  operative Bank (Cheyyar division).
                                            bank to explain why a penalty should
         Rs 4 lakh fine imposed on          not be imposed for non-compliance  "We are also attaching the assets of
                                                                               the suspended staff. They pledged fake
         Bicholim Co-op Bank                with statutory banking norms.      jewellery every month for a year,

         In a fresh blow for Goa's cooperative  "After considering the bank's written  mostly in their relatives and friends'
         banking sector, the Reserve Bank of In-  reply to the showcause notice and oral  names," K. Rajkumar, Joint Registrar,
         dia (RBI) imposed a monetary penalty  submissions made during the personal  TNSC Bank (Tiruvannamalai Region),
         of Rs four lakh on the Bicholim Urban  hearing and subsequent additional sub-  said.
         Co-operative Bank Ltd for not comply-  missions, RBI came to the conclusion  From September 10, 2020, the sus-
         ing with statutory banking norms.  that the aforesaid charges of non-com-  pended staff had been pledging small
                                            pliance with RBI directions was sub-
         The penalty comes after the manda-                                    quantities of fake jewellery in 27
                                            stantiated and warranted imposition of
         tory annual inspection report of the                                  bundles and swindled Rs.  2.39 crore.
                                            monetary penalty," Dayal said in a
         bank based on its financial position as                               In fact, of the total 4,600 gold loans
         on March 31, 2020, revealed deficien-  statement.                     that were disbursed since September
         cies pertaining to Know Your Customer  While no other curbs have been im-  2020, 77 were given to fake jewellery
         (KYC) norms.                       posed on the Bicholim Urban Co-opera-  that were pledged by them.
                                            tive Bank, RBI's strictures come after
         "This action is based on deficiencies in                              The action by the TNSC Bank was based
         regulatory compliance and is not in-  the Mapusa Urban Co-operative Bank  on a circular issued by the registrar for
                                            and Madgaum Urban Co-operative
         tended to pronounce upon the validity                                 cooperative societies directing the
                                            Bank lost their banking licences.
         of any transaction or agreement en-                                   managing directors of the Tamil Nadu
         tered into by the bank with its custom-  4 cooperative bank staff in  State Apex Cooperative Bank, Tamil
         ers," chief general manager Yogesh                                    Nadu Cooperative State Agriculture
         Dayal said.                        Arani suspended for swin-          and Rural Development Bank, all Cen-
         Bicholim Urban Co-operative Bank has dling Rs. 2.39 cr.               tral cooperative banks and joint regis-

         12 branches across the state and the  Four staff, including the appraiser of  trars of all zones, to form panel to scru-
         bank's website lists Mayem BJP MLA  Arani Cooperative Urban Bank Limited,  tinise gold jewellery loans.

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