Page 12 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 12


         Ice cream sold at parlours         their principal raw material, kraft pa-  reaucracy and from windows within
                                            per.                               windows," said the Minister, adding
         will be taxable at 18%: Fi-                                           "nobody wants to be a detriment to
         nance Ministry                     Centre to grant two extra          doing business."

         Unlike food cooked and served at res-  months to companies for        Goyal said the portal would become a
         taurants, ice creams sold at parlours                                 "one stop shop" for state and Central
         are manufactured items and are     conducting AGMs                    government compliances and bring
         therefore taxable at 18%, the finance  The government has decided to grant  transparency, accountability and re-
         ministry said in a set of clarifications  extra time of up to two months beyond  sponsiveness in the ecosystem. The
         issued.                            end of September for companies to  portal will also offer a Know Your Ap-
                                            hold their annual general meetings to
         The clarifications are based on deci-                                 provals service to inform businesses of
                                            finalise their FY21 accounts, according
         sions taken in the federal tax body, the  to an official order.       the details of all the approvals they
         Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council.                                 need to obtain as well as a common
                                            As per this, Registrars of Companies
         These cover eight issues including ser-                               registration form, document reposi-
                                            (RoCs) are authorised to give compa-  tory and e-communication module.
         vices of cloud kitchens, satellite launch
                                            nies extra time under section 96 of the
         services, grant of mining rights and
                                            Companies Act. This section stipulates
         services relating to contract manufac-                                Subsidy on LPG should be
                                            that companies have six months after
         ture of liquor.                    the close of a financial year to hold limited to only the needy
                                            their annual general meeting of share-  The subsidy on Liquified Petroleum Gas
         GST woes for corrugated            holders and if there is any special rea-  or LPG should be limited, the Govern-
         box makers                         son, extra time of up to two months  ment sources said as they think only
                                            could be granted.
         The Federation of Corrugated Box                                      the most needy should be given sub-
         Manufacturers' of India has expressed  'Freedom from bureau-          sidy. The Petroleum Ministry is review-
         concern over the rising raw material                                  ing the current LPG subsidy regime,
         cost and the increase in the GST rates cracy': Goyal launches         the sources said while further adding
         from 12% to 18% on corrugated boxes,  single window for biz ap-       that all the economic utilities should be
         as it has irreversibly halted the gradual                             viable.
         switchover from plastic to paper in  provals                          "The consumption of fuel is 15-16 per
         sectors like the unorganized retail sec-  Commerce minister Piyush Goyal an-  cent higher than the pre-Covid levels.
         tor, hotel & hospitality sector and in  nounced the soft launch of a National  Fuel price above $70 a barrel is high for
         agriculture/ horticulture sectors and  Single Window System for approvals,  a country like India. Crude supply from
         has had a crippling effect on the work-  adding the government is looking to  OEC plus countries is not able to meet
         ing capital requirements and the day  remove irrelevant compliances to im-  the domestic demand. We are in talks
         to day working of corrugators.     prove ease of doing business.      with OPEC plus countries to increase
         As a result, it has become extremely  The portal is currently set up to pro-  production," the sources said.
         difficult for FCBM to improve the qual-  vide relevant approvals from 18 Cen-  It is to be noted that the petroleum
         ity standards of corrugated packaging  tral government departments and 9  subsidy stood at 9 per cent of the Bud-
         in India in accordance with the global  states, with another 14 departments  get Estimate (BE), or a little over Rs.
         supply chain demands.              and 5 states set to add their compli-  1,230 crore in the April-July period of

         For almost a year now, corrugated box  ances to the portal by the end of De-  FY22, down from over Rs. 16,000 crore,
         manufacturers, largely in the MSME  cember. The portal offers a single dash-  or 40 per cent of BE, the last fiscal. The
                                            board, allowing businesses to apply for  subsidy is being provided mainly for
         sector, with large numbers in the mi-
                                            clearances, track progress and respond  customers in far-flung areas, industry
         cro and small sector have been facing
         an unprecedented hike in the prices of  to queries. "This is freedom from bu-  sources had said.

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