Page 15 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 15


         tion, the tribunal has asked the Asset  Schemes, which invest in overseas se-  dend payout, while the price return
         Management Company (AMC) to de-    curities, could choose any global  index such as Nifty and Sensex are
         posit a sum of Rs 20 lakh within four  equivalent of the BRSR specified by the  based on the prices of the stocks.
         weeks into an interest bearing account.  Association of Mutual Funds in India
                                            (AMFI), Sebi said in a discussion paper.  ESG funds may have to
         Sebi, in August, had asked the AMC to
         refund a part of the investment man-                                  keep 80% in sustainable
         agement and advisory fees collected HDFC AMC Q2 profit up
         from the unit holders of the six Fixed  2% to Rs 344 crore            companies
         Maturity Plan (FMP) schemes with 15                                   The Securities and Exchange Board of
         per cent interest per annum. In addi-  HDFC Asset Management Company  India (Sebi) has proposed that environ-
         tion, the Securities and Exchange Board  (AMC) reported a nearly 2 per cent  ment, social and governance-based
         of India (Sebi) imposed a penalty of Rs  growth in profit after tax (PAT) to Rs  funds (ESG funds) should have at least
         50 lakh on Kotak Mahindra AMC and  344.38 crore for the three months to  80% of their total assets in securities
         barred the fund house from launching  September 2021. In comparison, the  following the sustainable theme, since
                                            firm had posted a PAT of Rs 338.06  these funds fall under the thematic cat-
         any new FMP scheme for six months for
                                            crore in the same quarter of the pre-  egory. The regulator also proposed that
         violating the regulatory norms.
                                            ceding fiscal, the asset management  the rest 20% assets should not be in
         The company had approached SAT     company said in a regulatory filing to  stark contrast with the ESG philosophy.
         against Sebi's order. "The direction to  the stock exchanges.         Earlier in 2017, Sebi had said that
         refund a part of the investment man-                                  sectoral or thematic funds must have
         agement and advisory fees collected by  The company's total income increased  at least 80% of investments in specific
         the appellant (Kotak Mahindra AMC)  to Rs 608.4 crore in the period under  sectors or themes.
         from the unit holders shall remain  review from Rs 569.95 crore in the
                                            quarter ended September 30, 2020.
                                                                               NJ Mutual Fund raises Rs.
         Sebi proposes new norms            Sebi introduces a two- 5,200 crore in Balanced

         for mutual funds' ESG in-          tiered      structure        for Advantage Fund NFO
         vestments                          benchmarking MF schemes            NJ Mutual Fund has raised around Rs.
                                                                               5,200 crore in the new fund offer (NFO)
         The Securities and Exchange Board of  The Securities and Exchange Board of  of its balanced advantage fund (BAF). NJ
         India (Sebi) has proposed to revise the  India (Sebi) has decided to bring in a  Mutual Fund received its licence on 30
         investment norms for mutual fund   two-tiered structure for benchmarking  April 2021 and is part of the NJ Group,
         schemes that invest as per the ESG  of certain categories to standardize  one of India's largest mutual fund dis-
         (Environment, Sustainability and Gov-  benchmarks of mutual fund schemes.  tribution firms. The bulk of the collec-
         ernance) philosophy.               The first-tier benchmark will be ac-  tions has come through the NJ's own

         The markets regulator has proposed  cording to the category of the scheme.  mutual fund distribution arm, with
         that from October 1, 2022, asset man-  The second-tier should be reflective of  around Rs. 230 crore coming from
         agement companies should only invest  the investment style or strategy of the  about 140 non-NJ distributors and reg-
         in securities with Business Responsibil-  fund manager within the category.  istered investment advisers NJ Mutual
                                                                               Fund has a total of about 225,000 inves-
         ity and Sustainability Report (BRSR)  Usually, the performance of a mutual  tors from more than 600 districts in 35
         disclosures.                       fund scheme is assessed with reference
                                            to a benchmark, which could be a to-  states and Union territories, its chief
         The existing investments in the                                       executive officer Rajiv Shastri told. As a
                                            tal return index (TRI) of CNX Nifty or
         schemes for which there are no BRSR  BSE Sensex.                      mutual fund distributor, NJ Wealth con-
         disclosures would be grandfathered by                                 tributes more than Rs. 118,000 crore of
         Sebi until September 30, 2023. In ESG  All the benchmarks should follow TRIs,  the MF industry's current AUM. The
         investing, a fund manager picks com-  the markets regulator reiterated in a  group also has a portfolio management
         panies whose operations are consid-  circular issued. TRIs take into account  service (PMS) that manages about Rs.
         ered socially responsible.         the prices of the stocks and the divi-  3,000 crore in assets.

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