Page 18 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 18




         From Oct 1, SC to reim-            gants in a "difficult situation", and ex-  ground of delay and more particularly
                                            tended all periods of limitation ending  when it is made at the fag end of ser-
         pose time limit for appeals        on March 14, 2021 until further orders.  vice and/or when the employee is
         The Supreme Court said it would be                                    about to retire on attaining the age of
         recalling a previous suo motu order,  No change in date of birth      superannuation."
         which extended the limitation period                                  The court set aside the order of the
         for filing cases in view of the second  at fag end of service: SC     Karnataka HC which had allowed the
         wave of the coronavirus pandemic. The  The Supreme Court held that a person  plea of a government employee for
         apex court said the extension of the  cannot claim as a matter of right to get  change in date of birth which he had
         limitation period would be withdrawn  his or her date of birth changed if the  sought 24 years after joining the ser-
         from October 1.                    application is made after inordinate  vice. The employee had sought change
                                            delay and more particularly when it is
         A buffer period of 90 days will be given                              of date of birth from January 04, 1960
                                            made at the fag end of service or when
         with effect from October 1, the court                                 to January 24,1961.He had first filed a
         said. "I think we can lift the order,"  the employee is about to retire on at-  suit in lower court which was rejected
         Chief Justice of India N V Ramana told  taining the age of superannuation.  but the HC passed order in his favour
         Attorney General K K Venugopal, who  A bench of Justices M R Shah and A S  and his service got extended by one
         agreed with the three-judge bench's  Bopanna said the plea for change in  year.
         recommendation, according to Live  date of birth by an employee can be
         Law.                               rejected in such cases even if there is  Courts are not play-
         Appearing for the Election Commission  "cogent evidence" as allowing such  grounds: Pvt co fines Rs.
         of India, senior advocate Vikas Singh  plea could result in a chain reaction and
         said only 45 days should be given for  others below him, waiting for years for 25L
         election petitions after the extension  their promotion, would get affected.  To ensure that those approaching
         is lifted, as that is the period laid down  Referring to various judgements deliv-  Courts in commercial disputes "under-
         in the Representation of Peoples Act.  ered by the apex court on the issue of  stand that courts are not playgrounds,
         Previously, as per a March 8 order, a  change in date of birth, the bench said,  & litigation is not a pastime," the High
         period of 90 days was given for filings,  "The law on change of date of birth  Court of Bombay recently directed a
         Singh said.                        can be summarised as under: (i) appli-  private company to pay Rs 25 lakh to
         On April 27, amid the unprecedented  cation for change of date of birth can  a party against whom it was seeking
         surge in Covid-19 cases, the SC ex-  only be as per the relevant provisions/  orders.
         tended the period of limitation for fil-  regulations applicable; (ii) even if there  "This is clearly a vexatious & mischie-
         ing appeals from courts or tribunals by  is cogent evidence, the same cannot  vous proceeding that has unnecessar-
         litigants until further orders. The court  be claimed as a matter of right; (iii)  ily wasted the court's time," said Jus-
         observed that the surge had put liti-  application can be rejected on the  tice Gautam Patel on Sept 21, direct-

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