Page 13 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 13


         CA Institute extends time          price and demand for crude oil as well  the festival season and normalisation
                                            as demand for gold and electronic  of economic activities.
         limit for UDIN generation          goods.                             The Unified Payments Interface (UPI)
         to 60 days                         "While domestic demand is recovering,  registered 365 crore transactions
         Practising Chartered Accountants will  the surge in imports in September  worth Rs. 6.54-lakh crore in Septem-
         now have more time to generate     2021 likely also reflects pent-up de-  ber, as per data released by the Na-
         Unique Documentation Identification  mand and/or inventory restocking prior  tional Payments Corporation of India.
         Number (UDIN) for every document or  to the festive season, and the pace  The UPI platform had clocked 355
         report certified by them. This is be-  may moderate in the coming months,"  crore transactions amounting to Rs.
         cause the Central Council of the CA  said Aditi Nayar, chief economist at  6.39-lakh crore in August.
         Institute decided to increase the time  credit ratings agency ICRA.   Immediate Payment Service (IMPS)
         limit for generation of UDIN to sixty                                 also registered a rise in transactions
         days from the date of signing of the  Over 1,000 auditors yet to      and processed 38.44 crore payments
         auditor's report or certificate, as                                   of Rs. 3.24-lakh crore in September. As
         against 15 days now allowed.       file annual returns                many as 37.79 crore transactions
                                            More than 1,000 statutory auditors,
         "With this decision, we have aligned  representing a large section of audit  amounting to Rs. 3.18-lakh crore took
         the time limit for UDIN generation                                    place through IMPS in August.
                                            professionals, have not filed annual
         with that of the 60 days level specified  returns, according to the National Fi-
         in our Standards on Auditing and Stan-  nancial Reporting Authority (NFRA), Food businesses get time
         dard on quality control. Everybody  India's audit regulator.
         wanted uniformity between the two                                     till January 1 for quoting
         and central council agreed to it",  Painting a grim picture of India's audit  licence number on bills
                                            landscape, NFRA disclosed the names
         Nihar Jambusaria, President, ICAI said.
                                            of 1,011 auditors, including sole propri-  The Food Safety and Standards Author-
         A part of the reason for this decision  etorship firms, which have not filed  ity of India (FSSAI) has decided to ex-
         could also be attributed to the Covid19  NFRA-2 forms for the 2018-19 report-  tend the timeline for enforcement of
         pandemic which has put millions of In-  ing period.                   its order, that will make it mandatory
         dians into difficulties, he added.                                    for food business operators to mention
                                            Audit firms are required to file NFRA-2  their license or registration number on
         Exports up 21.4% in Sept,          form every year, with details on their  cash receipts, to January 1.
                                            registration and permanent account
         trade deficit at new high          number, partners, number of employ-  It had earlier said that restaurants,
         Merchandise trade deficit hit a record  ees and payments. The auditor has to  food retailers, caterers and sweetmeat
         high of $22.9 billion in September, ris-  disclose if it quit an audit assignment  shops will need to mention FSSAI li-
         ing from $3 billion in September 2020  of a firm in the previous three years,  cense or registration number on cash
         and $11.7 billion in September 2019,  or withdrew an audit report on finan-  receipts, purchase invoices, bills or
         on the back of a spike in imports, pre-  cial statements, or its consent on us-  cash memos on sale of food products
         liminary data released by the govern-  ing its name in a report. The auditor is  from October 1.
         ment showed.                       also required to make a statement on
                                            its quality control policies for the re-  The food safety authority said the de-
         The sharp uptick in merchandise trade  porting period.                cision for extension was taken after
         deficit comes despite 21.4 per cent                                   receiving representations from indus-
         year-on-year growth in exports to UPI records 365 crore               try bodies on the issue. "In view of rep-
         $33.44 billion, on the back of increased  transactions worthy Rs.     resentation from various industry asso-
         exports of engineering goods, petro-                                  ciations and stakeholders, it has been
         leum products as well as gems and 6.54 lakh crore in Septem-          decided with the approval from com-
         jewellery.                         ber                                petent Authority that the enforcement
         Imports last month rose 84.8 per cent  Digital payments continued to register  of ...the order will come into effect
         to $56.4 billion, amid a rise in both  robust growth in September amidst  from January 1, 2022," it added.

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                           NOVEMBER | 2021 | 13
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