Page 11 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 11


         The Central Board of Direct Taxes, via  a mechanism to indemnify from any  backed company said this was unprec-
         a notification, has extended the appli-  possible future litigations.  edented not just in the automotive in-
         cability of Safe Harbour Rules (SHR) to  The rules have nine specified condi-  dustry, but also represented one of the
         2020-21.                           tions as explanation for the law. Six of  highest sales in a day (by value) for a

         As per the notification, the rates un-  these conditions prescribe that compa-  single product in Indian e-commerce
         der SHR applicable from 2016-17 to  nies concerned will irrevocably with-  history.
         2018-19, and later extended to 2019-  draw, discontinue and not pursue any  "Day 2 of the EV era was even better
         20, will continue to apply for 2020-21  law suits, arbitration, conciliation or  than Day 1. Crossed Rs 1,100 crore in
         as well.                           mediation either in India or abroad.  sales in 2 days," tweeted Bhavesh
                                            They will have to withdraw proceed-
         Transfer pricing implies the prices at                                Aggarwal, co-chairman and group
                                            ings to enforce or pursue attachment
         which various overseas divisions of a  in respect of any award against the  chief executive officer, Ola.
         company transact with each other.  Republic and/or all Indian affiliates.  Ola had announced in December 2020
         Following international best practice,  While two conditions are related with  that it would be investing Rs 2,400
         India introduced the concept of SHR in  a structure for dealing with possible  crore for setting up phase 1 of the fac-
         Finance Act 2009.
                                            litigations in future, the final condition  tory. The Ola Futurefactory is coming
         Post that, the first round of SHR provi-  is on public declaration.   up on a 500-acre site in Tamil Nadu. At
         sions were introduced in August 2013                                  full capacity of 10 million vehicles an-
         for a period of three years, followed by                              nually, it would be the world's largest
         a revision in 2017 in the SHR which was  GST mop-up grows 23% to      two-wheeler factory and would handle
         applicable till 2019-20.           Rs. 1.17 trillion                  15 per cent of the world capacity.
                                            Central and state governments col-
         Govt launches more initia-         lected Rs. 1.17 trillion in goods and  BSE adds 1 crore investor

         tives under Ayushman               services tax (GST) in September, a 23%  accounts
         Bharat scheme                      jump from the collections made a year
                                            ago in what the central government  Premier bourse BSE has added 1 crore
         The centre launched additional initia-
                                            called a sign of "fast" economic recov-  registered investor accounts to its plat-
         tives under Ayushman Bharat -      ery.                               form between June 6 and September
         Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana                                     21, taking the total to over 8 crore in
         (AB PM-JAY) scheme such as Hospital  Tax receipts in September showed a  a span of just 107 days.
         Help Desk Kiosk, Beneficiary Facilita-  continued improvement since June
         tion Agency, PMJAY Command Centre  when receipts had fallen below the Rs.  On June 6 this year, the exchange had
         and Nudge Unit and revamped PM-JAY  1 trillion-mark due to mobility restric-  said its registered user base has
         technology platform.               tions enforced to fight the second  crossed the 7 crore (70 million) mark,
         The initiatives will be undertaken by  wave of the coronavirus pandemic,  which was an addition of 2 crore reg-
         the National Health Authority, the  data released by the Union finance  istered investor accounts in a little over
         implementing agency for the scheme  ministry showed.                  12 months (from May 23, 2020).
         for the ease of beneficiaries while                                   Commenting on the achievement of
         availing healthcare services under the  Ola sells electric scooters   crossing the 8 crore registered inves-
         scheme.                                                               tor accounts, BSE MD and CEO
                                            worth Rs. 1,100 crore in 2
                                                                               Ashishkumar Chauhan said equity in-
         Fin Min notifies rules to          days                               vestments, whether directly or through
         bury retro taxation                Ola Electric, the ride-hailing firm's elec-  mutual funds, are gaining ground over

         The Finance Ministry has notified rules  tric vehicle arm, said that it sold e-  last one-and-a-half years due to vari-
         to implement the new law burying ret-  scooters worth over Rs 1,100 crore in  ety of reasons globally, and the domes-
         rospective taxation. These propose a  just two days, during its sale of Ola S1  tic market is also following this world
         framework to end past litigations and  and S1 Pro scooters. The SoftBank-  trend.

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