Page 16 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 16


         Co-Operative Bank


         Wipro bags a multi-year            partnering with Wipro for this long-  Bank, Maharashtra and the Citizens
                                            term engagement, given Wipro's con-  Urban Co-operative Bank Ltd.,
         contract with Kerala State         sistent track record, leadership posi-  Jalandhar, Punjab.

         Co-op Bank for technology          tion in India and strong IT and people  A penalty of Rs 7 lakhs was imposed on
                                            processes," said Shri Rajesh AR, GM -
         transformation                                                        Citizens Urban Cooperative Bank for
                                            IT & Digital Banking, Kerala Bank.  violation of norms related to income
         Wipro has secured a multi-year con-                                   recognition, asset classification, provi-
         tract from Kerala State Co-op Bank  Kerala Bank currently runs 15 different
                                            core banking environments with five  sioning. Also, a penalty of Rs 90 lakhs
         (also known as Kerala Bank), a sched-
                                            different core banking solutions.  was imposed on Vasai Bank on similar
         uled state co-operative bank in India,                                violations, the RBI said.
         established by the Government of   As part of this multi-million-dollar stra-
         Kerala.                            tegic engagement, Wipro will imple-  A statutory inspection of the Vasai
                                            ment a consolidated, common core   bank conducted by RBI with reference
         Sanjay Jaireth, Head - BFSI India (SRE),                              to the bank's financial position as on
                                            banking system for the bank, provide
         Wipro Limited said, "Wipro has been                                   March 31, 2019 revealed noncompli-
                                            over twenty allied solutions, aimed at
         engaged with Kerala Bank and is pro-                                  ance with the RBI directions on ensur-
                                            streamlining technology adoption and
         viding core banking services to multiple                              ing end use of funds in borrowal ac-
                                            enabling a superior customer experi-
         District Co-operative Central Banks                                   counts and classification of loans/ ad-
                                            ence. Wipro will also set up a Data Cen-
         (DCCB) for many years. This extensive                                 vances as non-performing assets.
                                            tre, Disaster Recovery Centre, Near DR
         experience uniquely positions us to                                   Similarly, an inspection of Citizens Bank
                                            (Disaster Recovery) and command cen-
         deliver this complex program which                                    revealed violations related to  non-
                                            tre, implement the latest Reserve Bank
         redefines customer experience while                                   identification of NPAs, wrong classifica-
                                            of India cybersecurity frameworks, and
         ensuring security for clients of Kerala                               tion of assets and inadequate provi-
                                            provide facility management services
         Bank."                                                                sions made due to wrong classification
                                            for a period of five years.
         "We see IT modernization as the key                                   of assets, the RBI said.
         driver for achieving business transfor- RBI imposes monetary          RBI withdraws all-inclusive
         mation and growth. An integrated IT  penalty on two coopera-
         landscape comprising of best-in class                                 directions on Hindu Coop-
         Core Banking and allied solutions will  tive banks                    erative Bank
         not only enable seamless information  Reserve Bank of India imposed mon-  The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) with-
         flow but will also help achieve high  etary penalty on two cooperative  drew its all-inclusive directions on
         performance and scalability in our op-  banks for various rule violations. These  Pathankot-based Hindu Cooperative
         erations. We are delighted to be   two banks are Vasai Vikas Sahakari  Bank, the central bank said.

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