Page 19 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 19


         ing La Fin Financial Services Pvt Ltd to  vided that no interest shall be payable  The court held that the chairman, di-
         pay the amount within 2 weeks to   by the respondent on, inter alia, any  rectors, and other key managerial per-
         Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd  moneys due to the contractor. Disputes  sonnel of a company cannot be auto-
         (MCX). Failure to pay will carry a 9 per  arose amongst the parties with respect  matically held vicariously liable for the
         cent interest on the amount, he di-  to the aforesaid contract and subse-  offences committed by a company un-
         rected.                            quently, Garg Builders filed a petition  less specific allegations and averments
                                            under Section 11 of the Arbitration  against them are made with respect to
         The financial services company has
                                            and Conciliation Act, 1996 before the  their individual role.
         filed a special leave petition against the
         High Court order before the Supreme  High Court of Delhi.             The appellant in the case stated that
         Court. The SC is scheduled to hear it.  The High Court appointed the sole ar-  he is the absolute owner and in posses-
         The HC was hearing an interim appli-  bitrator to adjudicate upon the dis-  sion and enjoyment of certain immov-
         cation by La Fin which sought orders  putes. The appellant in the claim peti-  able properties which were adjoining
         against MCX on the ground that the  tion, apart from claiming various  the Mangalore-Bajpe Old Airport
         Exchange exceeded a 120-day deadline  amounts, claimed pre-reference, pen-  Road. The properties had valuable
         for filing its written statement in re-  dente lite and future interest at the  trees on them and was surrounded by
         sponse to a 'commercial suit' it had  rate of 24 per cent per annum on the  a stone wall as a boundary.
         instituted under the 'Commercial   value of the award. The arbitrator  The appellant's case is that Mangalore
         Courts Act'. It noted that the suit  upon hearing both parties concluded  Special Economic Zone Ltd and its con-
         against MCX was initially filed as a  that there is no prohibition in the con-  tracts, sub contractors and labourers
         'regular suit', which has no deadline.  tract on payment of interest for pre-  had conspired with common intention
                                            reference period, pendente lite and
         The submissions by the company are                                    to lay the pipeline beneath the
                                            future period.
         "flawed" & "manifestly unjust," said                                  appellant's properties without any law-
         the HC, adding, "There was here an  Therefore, the arbitrator awarded  ful authority and right, trespassed over
                                            pendente lite and future interest at the
         initial fault on the part of the plaintiff                            the properties and demolished the
         itself in wrongly instituting the suit as  rate of 10 per cent per annum to Garg  compound wall, when he (the appel-
         a regular suit."                   Builders on the award amount from  lant was not in town). Some 100 trees,
                                            the date of filing the claim petition to  worth Rs. 27 lakh, were destroyed, he
         No pedente lite interest           the date of realisation of the award  said.
                                            amount. Aggrieved by the award ren-
         In a recent case, Garg Builders  Vs  dered by the arbitrator, BHEL chal-  The Supreme Court noted that there
         Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, the ques-  lenged the award under Section 34 of  were no specific allegations made
         tion before the Supreme Court was  the Arbitration Act before the High  against the directors and managerial
         whether interest could be levied dur-  Court on various grounds, inter alia, on  personnel amongst the accused. The
         ing the pendency of a litigation (pen-  the ground that the arbitrator being a  Apex Court clarified that nowhere had
         dente lite interest), when the parties  creature of the arbitration agreement  the appellant made the allegation that
         had agreed in the contract to not have  travelled beyond the terms of the con-  at the command and directions of di-
         any interests awarded.             tract in awarding pendente lite inter-  rectors.
         The question was whether the con-  est on the award amount as the same  The Apex Court referred to the deci-
         tract itself was ultra vires the (Section  was expressly barred in terms of the  sion in Sunil Bharti Mittal Vs Central
         28 of the) Contract Act. The arbitrator  contract.                    Bureau of Investigation for circum-
         had awarded the interest; the Su-                                     stances when a director/ person in
         preme Court struck it down, saying  No sadism                         charge of the affairs of the company
         that the arbitrator could not award  In a recent case, Ravindranatha Bajpe  can also be prosecuted when a com-
         the interest when it was contractually                                pany is an accused person. It was held
                                            Vs Mangalore Special Economic Zone
         barred by the contract.                                               that vicarious liability of the directors
                                            Ltd, the Supreme Court of India held
         The parties entered into a contract in  that a director of a company could not  cannot be imputed automatically, in
         2009 which, inter alia, contained the  be "vicariously" held liable for criminal  absence of any statutory provision to
         interest-barring clause. The clause pro-  offences of a company.      this effect.

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