Page 25 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 25


         Learning from the Paradox:                           impossible) for law enforcement agencies to follow (FATF
                                                              2010). It also reported that 'goods introduced in a FTZ' are
         More than US$3.07 quadrillion in payments are made
         annually. By comparison, World Trade Organization (WTO)  generally not subject to the usual customs controls, with
         estimates roughly $16 trillion of trade transactions occur  goods undergoing 'various economic operations, such as
         each year. Accordingly, approximately 0.52% of the value  transshipment, assembly, manufacturing, processing,
         of all payments represent trade settlement. Given that at  warehousing'.
         least 80% of trade is open account, only about 0.1% of the
                                                              FinCEN has identified TBML red flags that are specific to
         value of payments made reflect settlement of documentary
                                                              FTZs. In its 2010 report, FinCEN (2010: 4) signaled that a
         trade. All of the AML monitoring and controls put in place
                                                              number of red flags seen in conjunction with shipments of
         in a bank's trade services department are there to identify
         and intercept roughly 0.1% (or less) of illicit funds flow.  high dollar merchandise (such as electronics, auto parts and
                                                              precious metals and gems) to duty free trade zones could
         "To truly make a difference in mitigating TBML, we must
         look beyond documentary trade, and beyond banks."    be an indication of a trade-based money laundering activity.
                                                              These include :
         Major Typologies of Trade Based Money
                                                              :  Third-party payments for goods or services made by an
         Laundering                                              intermediary (either an individual or an entity)

         Asia Pacific Group has grouped the typologies of TBML such  apparently unrelated to the seller or purchaser of goods.
         as over or  under invoicing, phantom shipping, short shipping,  This may be done to obscure the true origin of the funds;
         multiple invoicing etc into four broad categories based on  :  Amended letters of credit without reasonable
         reporting of various cases by various countries . The broad  justification;
         categories reveal the identified pattern in which majority
                                                              :  A customer's inability to produce appropriate
         of TBML activity has been detected so far.
                                                                 documentation (ie invoices) to support a requested
         i) Jurisdiction :
                                                              :  Significant discrepancies between the descriptions of the
         a) The commodity is shipped to or from a jurisdiction
                                                                 goods on the transport document (ie bill of lading), the
             designated as 'high risk' for MLactivities or sensitive /
             non-co-operative jurisdictions.                     invoice, or other documents (i.e. certificate of origin,
                                                                 packing list etc) (FinCEN 2010).
         b) The commodity is transhipped through one or more
                                                              d) Circuitous route of shipment and/or circuitous route of
             such high risk / sensitive jurisdictions for no apparent
                                                                 financial transaction or Orderor the goods is placed by
             economic reason.
                                                                 firms or individuals from foreign countries other than
         c)  Presence of Free Trade Zones / Special Economic Zones  thejurisdiction of the stated end-user.
             also affects the sensitiveness of a jurisdiction as far as
             TBML is concerned.                               e) Transaction involves shipment of goods inconsistent with
                                                                 normal geographic tradepatterns of the jurisdiction.
         FTZs are also emerging as being especially vulnerable to
         TBML. FATF (2010: 4) defines FTZs as 'designated areas  ii) Goods Involved :
         within countries that offer a free trade environment with a  Most of the jurisdictions have responded to state that no
         minimum level of regulation'. In the said report, FATF noted  definite pattern of goods involved in TBML is identifiable.
         that most zone authorities operate separate company  This is probably due to the vulnerability of almost all trade
         formation services from those that exist in the rest of the  transactions for TBML, however , Global trade in services
         jurisdiction and market the ease of setting up a legal entity  provide greater opportunities for ML than trade  in
         in an FTZ to attract business.. As a result, it is simpler for  merchandise because fraud particularly in regard to
         legal entities to set up the firms/companies in FTZs and hide  valuation of services is more difficult to detect and
         the name(s) of the true beneficial owners. This lack of  prove.Some goods are found to be more vulnerable to be
         transparency has allowed companies located in FTZs to  used in TBML activity such as consumer goods, textiles,
         create layers of transactions that are difficult (if not  garments, engineering goods, electronics goods, illicit

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