Page 45 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 45


             integration of Blockchain in government agencies.  Strategy', IndiaChain is still under recommendation for
             South Korea has been successful in bringing more than  implementation in the future, in order to establish India as
             a million of driver's licenses on a Blockchain-based  a vibrant blockchain ecosystem.
             system. China is in the process of preparation to issue a
             completely virtual Cryptocurrency.               With these developments, not only the cryptocurrency
         Y   More Blockchain in Retail: 2021 will obviously witness  market in India but even the blockchain technology startups
             a large-scale rise in Blockchain's introduction in the retail  will be benefitted. NITI Aayog is also in the process of
             sector for supply chain and inventory management  developing a job portal to connect employers with workers
             capabilities                                     who have returned to their home states due to nationwide
                                                              lockdown due to covid-19 pandemic with the help of this
         Y   China may dominate blockchain space:  The        technology.
             domination of China in the field of blockchain will also
             be one of the top predictions for the future of Blockchain
             in 2021. China has included Blockchain in the 'new  Conclusion:
             infrastructure' initiative that focuses on the country's  BlockChain technology is a revolution in digital world. The
             digital infrastructure                           pace of using BlockChain technology is increasing so fast that
                                                              it will make our life simple and safer. The Blockchain itself
         Y   Interoperability with traditional banking and
             financial organizations: The future of Blockchain in  and its variants are now used to secure any type of
             2021 will also see the interoperability of Blockchain with  transactions, whether be it human-to-human
             conventional financial and banking organizations. Users  communication or machine-to-machine. Fraud, hacking,
             are showcasing more trust in Blockchain as compared  data theft and information loss is impossible under digital
             to traditional banks.                            ledger because of the properties of its security and privacy
                                                              nature. Its decentralized application across the global
         India's stand on Blockchain technology               internet market is also very appealing in terms of ensuring
                                                              data redundancy and survivability.
         Digital Ledger Technologies (Blockchain) has a lot of promise
         to solve various issues faced in the path of sustainable
                                                              The Blockchain has been specially identified to be suitable
         development. For a country like India, this digital technology  in developing nations like India, China, Brazil etc where
         can play a very crucial role in creating a platform for  ensuring trust is a major concern. Thus the invention of the
         effective local governance for a range of issues from  Blockchain can be seen to be a vital and much needed
         decentralized energy storage to access issues for the  additional component of the internet that was lacking in
         disabled. In this connection, NITI Aayog has launched India's  security and trust before. Still Blockchain technology has not
         largest blockchain network usage in E-governance named  reached its maturity and it is predicted that within next five
         IndiaChain.PM Sri Narendra Modi's word on launch of  years it will reach to the maturity level and will be
                                                              implemented globally.
         "Artificial intelligence, machine learning,          Reference :
         Internet of Things, blockchain and big data hold     Y
         potential to take India to new heights"              Y

                                       - PM Sri Narendra Modi  Y
                             at the 2016 World Economic Forum  Y

                                                              Y  Article"A brief on Blockchain in India" by GarvSultania, O.P
         The main objective behind creation of this network is to
                                                                 Jindal Global University published in on
         speed up enforcement of contracts, boosting agriculture,
         reducing frauds, improving transparency in various sectors
         etc. Although, even after three years there is no concrete  Y  NITI Aayog report
         establishment that exists. In the working paper issued by  Y
         the NITI Aayog in January 2020 titled, 'Blockchain: The India  Y  Springer link

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