Page 41 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 41


             Indian Accounting Standards will be extended to HFCs.   to 3% below prescribed rate for NBFCs depending
             Prudential floor for Expected Credit Loss (ECL) will be  upon duration and prescription of rate),
             based on the extant instruction on provisioning         maintenance of liquid assets (13% for HFCs against
             applicable to HFCs.                                     15% for NBFCs), etc.
             In addition to the above, there exist certain major  In brief, below is the list of major changes proposed in
             differences between extant regulations of the HFCs vis-  the 'draft guidelines'
             à-vis that for NBFCs which are listed below and the  Y Classifying HFCs as systemically important (asset
             harmonization of same shall be carried out in a phased  size of Rs 500 crore and above) and non-systemically
             manner over a period of two to three years, until such  important (asset size less than Rs 500 crore).
             time, the HFCs shall continue to follow the extant  Y Directions on Liquidity Risk framework and LCR,
             norms.                                                  securitization, etc., for non-banking finance
             a) Capital requirements (CRAR and risk weights) - The   companies (NBFCs), to be made applicable to HFCs.
                 minimum CRAR prescribed for HFCs currently is   Y To address double lending, the revisions propose
                 12% and which will be progressively increased to
                                                                     HFCs can either take exposure on the group
                 14% by March 31, 2021 and to 15% by March 31,       company in real estate business or lend to an
                 2022. Further, the risk weights for assets of HFCs  individual, retail homebuyers in group entity
                 are in the range of 30% to 125% based on asset
                 classification, LTV, type of borrower, etc. However,
                 for NBFCs, the minimum CRAR is 15% and risk     Y For loans to individual buyers who choose to buy
                                                                     housing units from entities in the group, the HFC
                 weights are broadly under 0%, 20% and 100%
                 categories.                                         would follow arm's length principles in letter and
             b) Income Recognition, Asset Classification and
                 Provisioning (IRACP) norms - There are major    Y HFCs exposures, whether in terms of lending and
                                                                     investment cannot exceed 15 percent of the owned
                 differences in provisioning norms applicable to
                                                                     funds in a single entity in the group and 25 percent
                 standard, substandard and doubtful assets in HFCs'  of owned funds for all such group entities.
                                                                 Y The change in the definition of housing finance
             c)  Norms on concentration of credit / investment - The  brings loans to builders for construction of
                 credit concentration norms for NBFCs and HFCs are   residential dwelling units, schools and hospitals
                 similar. However, NBFCs enjoy certain exceptions
                                                                     within its purview while excluding loans against the
                 in this regard.
                                                                     property from it.
             d) Limits on exposure to Commercial Real Estate (CRE)
                                                                 Y HFCs will also be required to have a minimum 50
                 & Capital Market (CME) - The limits prescribed for  percent of net assets as "housing finance". A four-
                 HFCs for exposure to CRE by way of investment in    year timeline for individual loan portfolio has also
                 land & building shall not be more than 20% of
                                                                     been proposed, of which at least 75 percent must
                 capital fund and for CME shall not be more than
                                                                     be housing finance. These conditions if not met
                 40% of net worth total exposure of which direct     would lead to the HFC being categorized as an NBFC
                 exposure should be 20% of net worth. No limits      - Investment and Credit Companies (NBFC-ICCs).
                 prescribed for NBFCs.
                                                                 Y Existing home loan lenders will be required to
             e) Regulations on acceptance of Public Deposits viz.,
                                                                     double their minimum net owned fund to Rs 20
                 period of public deposit (12 months to 120 months   crore in two years, in order to strengthen the
                 for HFCs against 12 months to 60 months for         capital base.
                 NBFCs), ceiling on quantum of deposit (3 times of
                 NOF for HFCs against 1.5 times for NBFCs with Source:
                 minimum investment grade rating), interest on  RBI "Review of extant regulatory framework for Housing
                 premature repayment of deposits (ranging from 1%  Finance Companies (HFC) - Proposed Changes, Dated
                 to 4% below prescribed rate for HFCs as against 2%  17.06.2020. T

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