Page 37 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 37


          RBI'S PROPOSED

          CHANGES TO






         T        he Central Government had, with effect from 9th  are in tandem with that of NBFCs, the relevant paras in the

                                                              NBFC Master Directions would be made applicable mutatis
                  August 2019, transferred regulatory powers of
                                                              mutandis to HFCs. In areas where extant HFC regulation
                  the Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) from the
                  National Housing Bank (NHB) to the Reserve
                                                              be retained, or changes would be brought out wherever
         Bank of India (RBI). Subsequently Reserve Bank of India has  differs from that of NBFCs, either existing provisions would
         now placed a draft of the changes proposed in the    possible while ensuring that the changes are made in a least
         regulations applicable to HFCs. "RBI has undertaken the said  disruptive manner.
         review and has identified a few changes which are proposed
         to be prescribed for HFCs," the central bank said on June  Given below are the major changes
         18, 2020.
                                                             envisaged in the regulatory framework
         A review of the extant directions/ guidelines applicable to  for HFCs:
         HFCs has been carried out with a view to regulating HFCs  1. Applicable law for the regulation of HFCs:
         as a category of Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC).  Companies intending to function as HFCs shall seek
         Accordingly, in areas where the extant regulation of HFCs
                                                                 registration with the Reserve Bank under Section 29A
                                                                 of NHB Act, 1987 and existing HFCs holding Certificate
                                About the author                 of Registration issued by NHB need not approach RBI

                                                                 for fresh CoR.
                          Sailesh Kumar
                          Chief Manager (Faculty)
                          Staff Training Centre              2. Defining the term 'Providing Finance for
                          Union Bank Bhawan                      Housing' or 'Housing Finance'
                                                             It is observed that the term 'providing finance for housing'

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