Page 38 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 38


             or 'housing finance' is not formally defined. However,  implemented by Slum Clearance Boards and other
             in general parlance, it can be treated as providing     public agencies.
             finance for residential housing purposes and should  j)  Lending to builders for construction of residential
             ideally not include finance for non-residential purposes  dwelling units.
             like commercial real estate, etc. for this purpose, the
             meaning of the term housing finance as indicated for  All other loans including those given for furnishing
             various purposes in circulars issued by RBI, NHB and also  dwelling units, loans given against mortgage of property
                                                                 for any purpose other than buying/ construction of a
             under the Income Tax Act 1961 was examined. It is
                                                                 new dwelling unit/s or renovation of the existing
             proposed to have an inclusive definition of the terms
                                                                 dwelling unit/s, will be treated as non-housing loans.
             'providing finance for housing' or 'housing finance' as per
             provisions of RBI's master circular on housing finance
             addressed to banks and NHB's illustrative list of housing  3. HFC is required to have a 'Principal Business'
             loans. Accordingly, 'Housing Finance" or "providing  of providing housing finance.
             finance for housing" means:                         Term 'Principal Business' is not defined under the NHB

             Financing, for purchase/ construction/ reconstruction/  Act.  RBI now proposes to define and extend the
             renovation/ repairs of residential dwelling units, which  definition of 'Principal Business' similar to that used for
             includes:                                           Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs).
             a) Loans to individuals for purchase of old dwelling  The RBI has defined the term through its press release
                 units.                                          dated April 08, 1999 saying that a company:
             b) Loans to individuals for purchasing old/ new dwelling  a) Required to have financial assets more than 50%
                 units by mortgaging existing dwelling units.        of its total assets (netted off by intangible assets);
             c)  Loans to individuals for purchase of plots for
                 construction of residential dwelling units provided  b) Its income from such financial assets should be more
                 a declaration is obtained from the borrower that    than 50% of the gross income. It is imperative that
                 he intends to construct a house on the plot within  both the above mentioned conditions are satisfied
                 a period of three years from the date of availing of  in order to determine the constituents of 'Principal
                 the loan.                                           Business'

             d) Loans to individuals for renovation/ reconstruction
                 of existing dwelling units.                  4. Along with the "Principal Business" as
                                                                 defined above, it is also required to have
             e) Lending to public agencies including state housing
                 boards for construction of residential dwelling units.  "Qualifying Assets"
                                                                 'Qualifying Assets' refers to 'housing finance' or
             f)  Loans to corporate/ Government agencies (through
                 loans for employee housing).                    'providing finance for housing' and will be subject to the
             g) Loans for construction of educational, health,   a) Qualifying assets should not be less than 50% of Net
                 social, cultural or other institutions/ centre, which  assets, out of which at least 75% should be utilized
                 are part of housing project in the same complex and  towards individual housing loans which are loans as
                 which are necessary for the development of          stated above under the definition of "housing
                 settlements or townships.                           finance" or "providing finance for housing".
             h) Loans for construction of houses and related     b) "Net assets" means total assets other than cash and
                 infrastructure within the same area, meant for      bank balances and money market instruments.
                 improving the conditions in slum areas for which
                 credit may be extended directly to the slum-    Such HFCs which do not fulfil the above criteria will be
                 dwellers on the guarantee of the Government, or  treated as NBFC - Investment and Credit Companies
                                                                 (NBFC-ICCs) and will be required to approach RBI for
                 indirectly to them through the State Governments.
                                                                 conversion of their Certificate of Registration from HFCs
             i)  Loans given for slum improvement schemes to be  to NBFC-ICC. However, a phased timeline will be given

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