Page 47 - Banking Finance November 2021
P. 47


         branch despite using mobile banking. However a hybrid of  visiting branch and number of transaction using physical
         offline and online engagement is the best way forward.  mode have reduced  substantially. It has automated
                                                              repetitive backend and frontend tasks, and it has also helped
         Though the online payment platforms like GPay, PayTM and  in reducing the time to process documents or even in
         many others have acquired a good market share in online  opening a bank account.
         payment industry but they do not have a robust grievance
         redressal mechanism and many customers are not happy  Retained Trust
         with the way the failed transactions are being addressed.  Another advantage of Phygital is that it allows traditional
         As they do not have any physical presence to go to, it adds  visits to a bank branch for those customers who cannot keep
         to the misery of the customers and people started to loose  up with digitization in banking, and in this way, banks ensure
         trust in them.                                       trust and comfort that ultimately leads to customer
         So there is a need for this form of banking to run a successful
         banking business and to gain a more extensive market share.  Access to a wider market
         Phygital is making its inroads into banking operations
                                                              Digital banking is not widely adopted by people in rural
         because banks have realized that it is a lever that connects  areas. This is due to a lack of knowledge and faith. Phygital
         two essential aspects of banking that is customer confidence
         and experience. The success of this baking depends on  can be the solution to it, especially at a time when the world
         consolidating the experiences of traditional banking and  is discussing open banking regulations so that banks can be
                                                              more transparent and secure. Phygital banks build a
         modern banking to make the journey of customers seamless
                                                              connected ecosystem that helps them in finding prospective
         and complete.
                                                              customers and in giving them access to a wider market.
         Advantage of Phygital Banking:
                                                              The Pandemic and Phygital Banking:
         Enhanced customer experiences                        The pandemic has accelerated most banks' digitalization
         Tech savvy customers who are used to with quick process  initiatives. If the 2008 recession caused a boost in financial
         want instant and easy access to all the options, whether  technology innovation, appetite for experimentation, and
         digital or physical. Phygital banking provides them with a  a wave of fintech start-ups, then this time around it is more
         viable solution in which they can easily shift their choice of  about delivering real change.
         engagement with banks. They can use digital facilities or talk
         to bank staff to resolve their queries.              In order to retain this prestige and their important link with
                                                              communities, the model of branch banking will have to be
         Engaged Customer-Banker relationship                 turned completely on its head in the post-COVID-19 era.
         It provides facilities that strengthen the relationship with
         customers. It ensures the existence of branches and builds  In the new normal, consumers will carefully pick and choose
         trust and facilitates the experience that makes the  how to spend their time interacting. Bank branches, already
         customers satisfied.

         Increased customer value
         Banks continue to invest in raising new capabilities, and the
         phygital mode of banking has increased customer value
         many fold. Birthday wishes, notification and information
         through SMS and other personalized services will definitely
         take the banking experience for customers to a new level.

         Reduced costs
         The transaction cost for banks using physical mode is almost
         10 times more than the digital mode. Phygital mode of
         banking have reduced costs as the number of customers

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