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A s the population of India is increasing so are the               UPCPMT & AIPMT (CBSE) are the top national level medi-
             number of diseases. Every now and then we             cal entrance test after 12th. Some universities conduct
             come face-to-face with new names of diseases          their own entrance examination.there are state level
             occurring to Homo sapiens. Some of the emerg-         entrance examinations too, conducted in every states of
ing and most effecting diseases today are: Ebola hemor-            India.
rhagic fever, dengue fever, bird flu etc.
                                                                   One can also sit for AFMC examination (Armed Forces Medi-
With the advent of newer technologies and effective drugs          cal College).The successful candidates get admission to
and people becoming more health cautious, medical field is         AFMC which provides training in medical with career in
evolving and spreading its wings. Now a day, more people           defence services.
are going for monthly, quarterly or yearly body examination
to lead a healthy and better life. This means that it is the       Students can take up careers in General medicine, Nurs-
perfect time to pursue medical field. It is also one of the best,  ing, General surgery, Orthopaedics, Radiodiagnosis, Radio-
reputed and respected professional fields in India.                therapy, ENT, Ophthalmology, Anaesthesia, Paediatrics,
                                                                   Community medicine, Pathology, Microbiology, Forensic
To pursue medical courses, one has to prepare himself/her-         medicine, Pharmacology, Anatomy, etc.
self while studying in Class 12 itself. If one has interest in
medicines, formulations, diseases, diagnosis, wearing a            List of medical courses available in India
white coat; serving the human and humanity and medici-
nal research, he is ideal for a medical career.                    Given below are some of the Medical Courses taught
                                                                   in Indian Institutions:
Courses & Admission                                                1. M.B.B.S (Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery),

Medical field contains a broad range of academic educa-                 Course DURATION: 4.5 years
tion other than MBBS. It contains certificate courses, medi-
cal diploma courses, bachelor degree courses, master de-           2. B.D.S (Bachelor of Dental Surgery), Course DURATION:
gree courses and many short time knowledge booster                      4 years
courses for medical professionals.
                                                                   3. B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy), Course DURATION:
Various institutions and university in India is offering some           4 years
of the medical courses Online. IGNOU is one of the leading
universities that provide the education in the medical field       4. B.Sc Nursing, Course DURATION: 3 years
by online admission.
                                                                   5. B.P.T (Physiotherapy), Course DURATION: 3 years
For admission to bachelor degree, the students have to
prepare for medical entrance test after 12th standard. The         6. B.O.T (Occupational Therapy), Course DURATION: 3
candidates having PCB (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) or               years
PCMB (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology) group
in their +2 can appear in AIPMT 2016 for admission to the          7. B.H.M.S (Homeopathy Medicine), Course DURATION:
top medical colleges of the country.                                    3 years

                                                                   8. B.U.M.S (Unani Medicine), Course DURATION: 5 years

                                                                   9. Optometry, Course DURATION: 2 years

                                                                   10. Ophthalmic Assistant Medical course, Course DURA-
                                                                        TION: 2 years


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