P. 27

11. Histopathalogical Lab Technology, Course DURATION:         6. M.S. (Master of Surgery): This degree is awarded
     1 year                                                         to doctors who are doing masters in Surgery. Doctors
                                                                    possessing M.B.B.S. degree are eligible to for this
12. B.A.M.S (Ayurvedic, Siddha Medicine), Course DURA-              course.
     TION: 4 years
                                                               7. D.M: This is a doctorate degree awarded by many uni-
13. D. Pharma (Ayurvedic, Siddha Medicine), Course DU-              versities and is equivalent to a PhD degree. Doctors
     RATION: 1 year                                                 possessing M.D. degree are eligible to for this course.

14. Lab Technicians, Course DURATION: 1 year                   8. M.Ch: The M.Ch degree is the highest degree under
                                                                    the faculty of medicine. Applicant should have M.S. de-
15. Sanitary Inspector Medical course, Course DURATION:             gree to be eligible for M.Ch.
     1 year
                                                               9. B.Pharma (Bachelor of Pharmacy): Applicant must
16. General Nursing Training Medical course, Course DU-             pass 12th class or equivalent with minimum average
     RATION: 3.5 years                                              percent of 50% marks in physics, chemistry and biol-
                                                                    ogy or D.Pharma (Diploma in Pharmacy).This medical
17. Orthopedist Medical course, Course DURATION: 2 years            course is mandatory to get a medical shop license in
18. Dental Mechanic Medical course, Course DURATION:
     2 years                                                   10. B.Sc. Nursing: In order to eligible one must pass 10+2
                                                                    with Physics, Chemistry & Biology with a minimum of
19. Dental Hygienist Medical course, Course DURATION: 2             45% average marks. The objective of B.Sc. Nursing
     years                                                          programme is to train nurses with necessary skills. This
                                                                    medical course is a path to become nurse in India.
20. Bachelor of Occupational therapy, Course DURATION:
     3 years                                                   11. B.P.T (Physiotherapy): Applicant must pass 12th class
                                                                    or equivalent with minimum average percent of 50%
21. Radiological Assistant, Course DURATION: 1 year                 marks in physics, chemistry and biology. Candidate
                                                                    should clear in English subject too.
22. Radiography [Diagnosis & Therapy], Course DURATION:
     2 years                                                   12. B.O.T (Occupational Therapy): It is a 3 year medical
                                                                    program. In order to eligible one must pass 10+2 with
23. Nuclear Medicine Technology, Course DURATION: 2                 PCB (physics, chemistry and biology). Some institutions
     years                                                          may arrange an entrance exam and select candidates
                                                                    on the basis of performance in the medical entrance
Brief detail of few popular medical                                 test.
courses in India
                                                               13. B.U.M.S (Unani Medicine): Candidate for B.U.M.S.
1. M.B.B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Sur-              medical course must have passed Intermediate (10 +
     gery): MBBS is the medical degree awarded. MBBS                2) with Physics, Chemistry & Biology. Urdu is manda-
     stands for Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery.          tory up to 10th class or equivalent. Candidate must have
     These both degrees are awarded simultaneously.                 attained minimum 17 yrs of age as on 31st December
                                                                    of the responding year. This medical course is based on
2. B.D.S. (Bachelor of Dental Surgery): Bachelor of Den-            Unani medical methods.
     tal Surgery (B.D.S) is a first professional degree
     Programme in dentistry.                                   14. Optometry: Optometry is a science that is associated
                                                                    with structure, working and function of human eye.
3. B.H.M.S. (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Sur-                EYECET examination is necessary to pass to opt for B.
     gery): The Homeopathic Education in India is presently         Optom Degree.
     regulated by the National Institute of Homeopathy.
     Applicant should have passed HSC Exam from Statutory      15. Ophthalmic Assistant Course: An ophthalmic assistant
     Board/University in India or equivalence.                      is a guy who works with an ophthalmologist (eye doc-
                                                                    tor) to provide patient care by performing many dif-
4. B.A.M.S. (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Sur-                ferent eye-related clinical functions. One should have
     gery): This degree is awarded to those students who            a high school diploma or equivalent to get admission.
     have studied ayurveda system of medicine in India. The
     Ayurvedic Education in India is presently regulated by
     the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM).

5. M.D. (Doctor of Medicine): This degree is awarded to
     Physicians. Doctors possessing M.B.B.S. degrees are eli-
     gible to for this course.

                                                               PR COMMUNICATION AGE February 2016 27

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