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National Green Tribunal who are 16 years of age being tried as push young girls into prostitution.
fines railways for untidiness adult criminals for heinous crimes. While various state governments have
enacted laws to stop such practices,
The National Green Tribunal has re- Judgments not to be avail- the tradition remains entrenched in
cently fined the railways Rs 5 lakh for able in Hindi: SC some parts of the country, especially in
not keeping tracks and platforms in some southern states. The ministry has
New Delhi clean. The Supreme Court has refused to en- directed all states to ensure strict
tertain a plea seeking a direction to implementation of existing laws and
The panel rapped the railway authori- amend the provisions of the Constitu- keep it from continuing under any
ties for "definite negligence" and "in- tion and make judgment available in guise.
tentional lack of will" and asked them Hindi and regional languages. "We
to pay the fine within a stipulated time. cannot pass such direction as the court The ministry's letter comes a month
The tribunal warned them of "coer- language is English," a bench of Chief after the Supreme Court fined it for
cive" measures if they failed to ensure Justice T. S. Thakur, Justice A. K. Sikri failure to file an affidavit on time dur-
cleanliness on the railway property in and Justice R. Banumathi said. ing the hearing of a public interest liti-
the future. gation which sought total prohibition
States should take mea- on the Devadasi practice.
Rajya Sabha passes SC/ST sure to stop Devdasi sys-
bill tem: Centre Same compensation for
boy, girl under Motor Ve-
The Rajya Sabha has unanimously In a letter addressed to all states and hicles Act
passed the SC and ST (Prevention of Union Territories, the Union home min-
Atrocities) Amendment Bill along with istry has directed them to adopt strict Motor Vehicles Act does not lay down
two Bills on supplementary demands measures to put a complete stop to the separate criteria for death of a male
for 2015-16. practice of Devdasi system. and female child for seeking compen-
sation, the Delhi High Court has clari-
16 year juvenile to be tried A Devadasi, the word literally meaning fied, while striking down an order of
as an adult a 'servant', is a girl who dedicates her Motor Accidents Claim Tribunal (MACT)
life to the worship and service of a de- denying claim of parents of an unmar-
Amid a massive public outcry, the Rajya ity or temple. Under the system, par- ried girl who died in a road accident.
Sabha passed the Juvenile Justice (Care ents marry off their daughters to a de-
and Protection of Children) Bill. It ity before they reach puberty. In recent The HC's order came on plea of the
paves the way for accused juveniles decades, the practice has been used to parents of the deceased, who was 19-
You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.
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