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All India Pre-Medical Test - 2016
AIPMT (All India Pre-Medical Test) is a national level UPCPMT 2016 Exam
entrance test for the admission to MBBS and BDS courses. Acronym for Combine Pre-Medical Test, UPCPMT is one of
For this year, AIPMT 2016 will be conducted on 1st May the most recognized entrance examinations in India. It is
2016 (announced). AIPMT examination is conducted by the conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Government through
CBSE, New Delhi. Some Universities/ Institutions/ States Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University and is
are also participating in the AIPMT for admission to their meant for those aspiring for higher education in the field
medical seats. of clinical science.
Eligibility Criteria The esteemed medical entrance examination is conducted
every year and students completing 10+2 level can appear
1. Candidates must have completed/appearing his 10th for the test. The CPMT is acknowledged by varied UP Gov-
and 12th from the state. ernment recognized Medical, Dental, Ayurvedic, Unani and
Homeopathic colleges. The 2016 UPCPMT would tentatively
2. Candidate must possess a valid domicile of the state. fall on the month of June the coming year.
3. The candidate must be the citizen of India. The candidate aspiring for CPMT 2016 should pass with
science securing at least 50 percent marks in the major
4. The candidates must have completed the age of 17 science subjects- such as Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The
years as on or before 31st December 2016. candidate must not be less than 17 years during the admis-
sion and no more than 25 years.
5. The upper age limit is 25 years (5 years relaxation for
the SC/ST/OBC candidates) as on or before 31st Decem- CPMT 2016 Courses
ber 2016.
The CPMT 2016 encompasses a wide range of medical
Important Dates courses. These include-
1. MBBS- bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery
1. Starts of online registration: 15th December 2015 2. BHMS- Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery
3. BDS- Bachelor of Dental Surgery
2. Last date of online registration (with late fee): 6th & 4. BUMS- Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery
10th February 2016 5. BAMS- Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery
3. Form correction date: Two week's window in Feb 2016 Important Dates
4. Issue date of Admit Card: 1st April 2016 1. Start date of Download the Application Form - Third
5. Date of examination: 1st May 2016 week of March 2016
6. Declaration of results: 5th June 2016 2. Last date of filling Application Form - Third week of April
Admission and Reservation
3. Date of downloading the Admit Card - First week of
AIPMT is the gateway for admission to medical and dental May 2016
seats; the candidates will be admitted to 85% seats of the
state quota while 15% seats will be filled through All India 4. Date of examination - Third week of May 2016
Quota in government and dental medical colleges except
the states of AP, Telangana and J&K. Many universities and 5. Date of Result - Third week of June 2016
institutions (AFMC, BHU, etc.) are voluntarily participating
in the AIPMT 2016 and considering their merit list for ad- 6. Date of first state of counselling - Last week of June
mission under their control. Admission will be made on the 2016.
basis of All India merit list of the candidates on the basis of
marks obtained by the candidates in AIPMT exam.
For further information students are requested to visit the
AIPMT website:
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