Page 22 - Banking Finance October 2023
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          manage their short-term debt payments and operational
          needs. These ratios provide valuable insights into the
          borrower's financial stability and capacity to handle financial

          Solvency Ratios:
          Solvency ratios are financial metrics that assess a company's
          long-term financial health and its ability to meet its long-
          term debt obligations. Unlike liquidity ratios, which focus on
          short-term obligations, solvency ratios provide insights into
          a company's ability to cover its debts over the long term
          and maintain a stable financial position. Here are some
          important solvency ratios:
          Debt-to-Equity Ratio: The debt-to-equity ratio measures  A higher interest coverage ratio suggests that the company
          the proportion of a company's financing that comes from  has sufficient earnings to comfortably cover its interest
          debt compared to equity. It indicates the extent to which a  payments.
          company  is relying on borrowed funds to  finance its
          operations.                                         Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR): The debt service
                                                              coverage ratio is often used in project finance or lending for
          Debt-to-Equity Ratio = Total Debt / Total Equity
                                                              capital-intensive projects. It evaluates a company's ability
                                                              to service its debt obligations, including both principal and
          A lower debt-to-equity ratio is generally considered more
                                                              interest payments, from its operating cash flow.
          favorable, as it suggests that the company has a greater
          proportion of its financing coming from equity, which is  DSCR = Operating Income / Total Debt Service
          considered a more stable source of capital.         If we disintegrate the formula further we can write the same
          Debt-to Asset Ratio: The debt ratio (also known as the
                                                              DSCR = (Net Profit after Tax + Depreciation + Interest on
          debt-to-assets ratio) shows the proportion of a company's
          assets that are financed by debt. It indicates the company's  Term Loan) / (Instalment of Term Loan + Interest on TL)
          leverage or dependency on debt financing.
                                                              A DSCR greater than 1 indicates that the company is
          Debt Ratio = Total Debt / Total Assets              generating enough cash flow to cover its debt obligations.

          A lower debt ratio indicates a lower risk of insolvency, as it  Equity Ratio: The equity ratio (also known as the equity-to-
          suggests that a larger portion of the company's assets is  assets ratio) measures the proportion of a company's assets
          financed by equity.                                 that are financed by equity. It's a variation of the debt ratio
                                                              and provides insight into the company's financial stability.
          Interest  Coverage Ratio: The interest coverage  ratio
                                                              Equity Ratio = Total Equity / Total Assets
          measures a company's ability to cover its interest payments
          with its earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT). It shows
                                                              A higher equity ratio indicates a more solid financial position,
          whether a company is generating enough operating income  as a larger portion of the company's assets is funded by
          to meet its interest obligations.
          Interest Coverage Ratio = EBIT / Interest Expenses
                                                              Solvency ratios are crucial  for lenders, investors, and
          Sometimes it is calculated as EBITDA/Interest expenses
                                                              creditors to assess a company's ability to meet its long-term
          Where EBITDA stands for earnings before interest, taxes,  financial  commitments  and  to  determine  the  risk of
          depreciation and amoertization                      insolvency. These ratios help evaluate the company's capital

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