Page 24 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 24




          AND WRITE OFF IN

          BANKS - RBI



          Introduction:                                       who do not respond to reminders,  a personal visit has to
                                                              be made to their business or residential place. This is a  more
          In general, it is experienced that filing of suits against a
                                                              dependable  recovery measure and, banks' experience has
          defaulting borrower by banks and subsequent loan recovery
                                                              been satisfactory. During the visit, banks can not only
          through the process of court is a cumbersome, expensive
                                                              recover the amount due but also assess the overall working
          and time consuming, without any fruitful results in many
                                                              of the business unit.  Over the years, it is observed that the
          cases.  One of the main reasons attributed for insufficient
                                                              number of visits to the borrowers is going down due to staff
          loan recovery dues through the court is also the lack of
                                                              shortage in banks.  Hence, the task of paying a regular visit
          proper follow-up and timely action on the part of banks.
                                                              to the identified borrowers may be outsourced. In case
          Hence, it would be a worthwhile exercise to prefer non legal
          measures to legal measures. Non legal recovery initiative  borrowers are not available, services of professional agencies
                                                              shall also be utilized to ascertain their whereabouts and take
          starts with sending a reminder to a defaulting borrower
                                                              the possession of assets charged to the bank upon serving a
          which is the cheapest mode of recovery.
          Generally, response to the reminders particularly from
                                                              But care should be taken in appointing professional agencies
          honest borrowers is encouraging. Therefore, for borrowers
                                                              after examining their credentials and keep a constant vigil
                              About the author                on their practices and methods adopted for loan recovery.
                                                              The next one is debt restructuring for loan recovery which
                       Dr. V. S. Kaveri                       aims at making the borrower's business financially viable in
                       Retired Faculty                        the  near  future  provided  the  same  is  technically,
                       NIBM, Pune                             commercially & managerially viable and, the borrower
                                                              continues to be honest and cooperative. For this purpose,

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