Page 28 - Banking Finance October 2023
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          should keep the matter confidential. And, even after write-
          off, recovery efforts should continue. The concerned NPA is
          removed from the bank's books but a shadow loan account
          is created to pursue loan recovery though it is written off.
          Thereafter, there will be no need to make provisions against
          it. To the extent of loan write off, the tax liability will also
          come down as the written off amount is reduced from the
          profit. The writing off NPAs is a regular exercise carried by
          banks to clean up the balance sheet. Further, the write-off,
          at times, shall be a viable business strategy in respect of
          wilful defaulters who may spoil the credit culture of society.

          Regulatory Aspects of Loan Compromise
                                                              of the banks in the form of waiver of part of the claims from
          and Write Off:                                      the borrower.

          In 2003, RBI asked all public sector banks (PBSs) to uniformly
          implement guidelines for compromise settlements from  The Board approved policy shall inter alia  should  contain
          NPAs in all sectors irrespective of the nature of business,  provisions relating to permissible sacrifice for various
          which have become doubtful or loss and, those NPAs  categories of exposures while arriving at the settlement
          classified as sub-standard  which have subsequently become  amount and after prudently reckoning the current realisable
          doubtful or loss with outstanding balance  up to Rs. 10 crore  value of security/collateral, if available. The methodology
          (1). In addition, cases on which the banks had initiated  for arriving at the realisable value of the security shall also
          action under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of  form part of the Board approved policy whose objective
          Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest  should be  to maximise the possible recovery from a
          (SARFAE) Act, 2002 and also those cases pending before  distressed borrower at minimum expense and in the best
          Court /  Debt Recovery Tribunal /Board for Industrial Finance  interest of the bank.
          and Reconstruction , subject to  the consent decree being
          obtained from these agencies  were also considered. But,  The delegation of power for such approvals rests with an
          those cases of wilful default, fraud and malfeasance will not  authority (individual or committee, as the case may be)
          be covered.                                         which is at least one level higher in hierarchy than the
                                                              authority vested with the power to sanction the credit /
          Further, adequate care should be taken to ensure that the  investment exposure.
          compromise settlements are done in a fair and transparent
          manner and in full compliance with the RBI guidelines on  It is important to state that any official who was part of
          the matter. Further, the concerned authority sanctioning a  sanctioning the loan (as individual or part of a committee)
          compromise/OTS should append a certificate stating that the  shall  not  be  part  of the  approving  the  proposal  for
          compromise settlements are in conformity with the RBI  compromise settlement of the same loan account. Similarly,
          guidelines (2). Similarly, compromise settlements where the  proposals for compromise settlements in respect of debtors
          time for payment of the agreed settlement amount exceeds  classified as fraud or wilful defaulter shall require the
          three months shall be treated as restructuring (3).  Recently  approval of the Board in all cases.
          in June  2023,  RBI  has  brought  out  a comprehensive
          Framework for Compromise Settlements and Technical  Lastly, the cooling period to be adopted in respect of
          Write-offs (4).  As per the Framework, the compromise  exposures subjected to technical write-offs shall be as per
          settlement refers to any negotiated arrangement with the  the Board approved policies  of the banks. Thus,  the
          borrower to fully settle the claims of the bank against the  Framework  provides sufficient  clarity  in  the  matters
          borrower in cash; it may entail some sacrifice on the part  concerning loan compromise and write offs.

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