Page 31 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 31


         UDGAM Portal Registration                               individually, users can search for unclaimed deposits
                                                                 from various banks in one place, saving time and effort.
         The UDGAM Portal Registration process provides individuals
         and non-individuals an easy and efficient way to manage  User-Friendly Interface: The portal is designed for user
         their unclaimed deposits across multiple banks. To initiate  convenience, making it easy for both individuals and
         the registration, follow these straightforward steps:   non-individuals to navigate and retrieve information.
             Step 1: Visit the UDGAM RBI Portal                  Enhanced  Transparency: The  UDGAM  RBI  Portal
                 Go to the official website:    promotes transparency by providing clear details of
             Step 2: Enter Your Details                          unclaimed deposits, helping users make informed
                 Provide your name and mobile number.            decisions.
             Step 3: Create a Password                           Collaborative Effort: Developed through a collaboration
                 Choose a secure password and enter the shown    between RBI, Reserve Bank Information Technology Pvt
                 code Captcha                                    Ltd (ReBIT),  Indian Financial Technology & Allied
                                                                 Services (IFTAS), and participating banks, the portal
             Step 4: Proceed to the Next Step
                                                                 reflects a collective initiative for public welfare.
                 Agree to the terms and click "Next".
                                                                 Empowerment: Users gain greater control over their
             Step 5: Verify with OTP
                 Enter the One-Time Password (OTP) sent to your  unclaimed funds, whether it's reclaiming deposits or
                 phone.                                          making dormant accounts operational.
                                                                 Future Expansion: While currently limited to a select
         UDGAM Portal Login                                      number of banks, the portal will gradually include more
                                                                 banks,  further  extending  its  benefits  to  a wider
         To log in to the UDGAM Portal, visit the website using the
         link provided. Enter your registered mobile number and  audience.
         password and click "Login". You will receive a code on your  Check Unclaimed Deposit On UDGAM
         mobile, which you should enter. Once done, you can access
         your account and manage your unclaimed deposits.     Portal
             Step 1: Visit the UDGAM Portal using this link: https:/  Step 1: Visit the UDGAM Portal by clicking on this link:
             Step 2: Enter your registered mobile number and     Step 2: Look for the option to "Check Unclaimed
             password on the login page.                         Deposits" on the portal's homepage and click on it.

             Step 3: A code will be sent to your mobile. Enter this  Step 3: If you have an account, log in using your mobile
             code on the portal.                                 number and password. If not, register by clicking on
                                                                 "Register" or "Sign Up."
             Step 4: After verifying the code, you will be logged in
             to your UDGAM RBI Portal account.                   Step 4: Complete any verification steps, providing
                                                                 necessary information like your name, account details,
             Step  5:  Now  you  can  access  and  manage  your
             unclaimed deposits easily.                          or identification numbers.
                                                                 Step 5: After verification, you will see a search form.
         Benefits of UDGAM RBI Portal                            Enter details such as your name and bank name.
             Convenient Access: The portal provides a centralized  Step  6:  Click  "Search"  to  initiate  the  search  for
             platform for easy access to information about unclaimed  unclaimed deposits linked to your account.
             deposits across multiple banks.                     Step 7: If unclaimed deposits are found, the portal will
             Simplified Claims: Users can identify their unclaimed  display relevant information like bank name and deposit
             deposits/accounts and initiate the process to either  amount.
             claim the deposit amount or activate their deposit  Step 8: Depending on the results, you can proceed to
             accounts at their respective banks.
                                                                 claim  the  deposit  amount  or  follow  the  portal's
             Time-Saving:  Instead  of  visiting  multiple  banks  guidance.

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