Page 35 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 35


         CA. It is estimated that Hive left behind over 1,500 victims
         worldwide and extorted millions of dollars in ransom

         DarkSide: DarkSide is a RaaS operation associated with an
         eCrime group tracked by CrowdStrike as CARBON SPIDER.
         DarkSide operators traditionally  focused  on Windows
         machines and have recently expanded to Linux, targeting
         enterprise environments running unpatched VMware ESXi
         hypervisors or stealing vCenter credentials. On May 10, the
         FBI publicly indicated that the Colonial Pipeline incident
         involved the DarkSide ransomware. It was later reported
         that Colonial Pipeline had approximately 100GB of data
         stolen from their network, and the organization allegedly
         paid almost $5 million USD to a DarkSide affiliate.

                                                              LockBit: In development since at least September 2019,
         REvil: REvil, also known as Sodinokibi, was identified as the
                                                              LockBit is available as a RaaS and is advertised to Russian-
         ransomware behind one of the largest ransom demands on
                                                              speaking users or English speakers with a Russian-speaking
         record: $10 million. It is sold by the criminal group PINCHY
                                                              guarantor. In  May 2020, an affiliate operating  LockBit
         SPIDER, which sells RaaS under the affiliate model and
         typically takes 40% of the profits.                  posted a threat to leak data on a popular Russian-language
                                                              criminal forum.
         Like TWISTED SPIDER's initial leaks, PINCHY SPIDER warns
         victims of the planned data leak, usually via a blog post on  Combating RaaS:
         their DLS containing sample data as proof, before releasing  Addressing the issue of Ransomware as a Service (RaaS)
         the bulk of the data after a given amount of time. REvil will  requires  a  multi-faceted  approach  involving  various
         also provide a link to the blog post within the ransom note.  stakeholders. Here are some key solutions that may help
         The link displays the leak to the affected victim prior to being  mitigate the impact of RaaS:
         exposed to the public. Upon visiting the link, a countdown  1. Enhanced  Cybersecurity Measures: Organizations
         timer will begin, which will cause the leak to be published  should implement robust cybersecurity measures to
         once the given amount of time has elapsed.              protect their networks, systems, and data. This includes
                                                                 using up-to-date security software, regularly patching
         Dharma: Dharma ransomware attacks have been attributed  vulnerabilities, enforcing strong access controls, and
         to a financially motivated Iranian threat group. This RaaS  conducting regular security audits and risk assessments.
         has been available on the dark web since 2016 and is mainly
         associated with remote desktop protocol (RDP) attacks.  2. Employee Training and Awareness: Education and
         Attackers usually demand 1-5 bitcoins from targets across  training programs are vital to raise awareness among
         a  wide  range  of  industries.  Dharma is  not  centrally  employees about the risks of ransomware and how to
         controlled, unlike REvil and other RaaS kits.           recognize and  respond to  potential threats.  This
                                                                 includes educating them on best practices for email and
         Dharma variants come from many sources,  and most       web  browsing,  avoiding  suspicious  links  and
         incidents in which CrowdStrike identified Dharma revealed  attachments, and reporting any suspicious activity
         nearly a 100% match between sample files. The  only     promptly.
         differences were the encryption keys, contact email, and a
         few other things that can be customized through a RaaS  3. Regular Data Backups: Maintaining regular backups of
         portal. Because Dharma attacks are nearly identical, threat  critical data is essential to minimize the impact of a
         hunters are not able to learn much about who is behind a  ransomware attack. Organizations should follow the 3-
         Dharma attack and how they operate from a single incident.  2-1 backup rule, which involves keeping at least three

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