Page 34 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 34


          Customization: RaaS providers offer customization options  exploit kits, which are toolsets used to exploit software
          for the ransomware. This allows users to modify certain  vulnerabilities and  deliver malware.  This  integration
          features  of  the  malware,  such  as  the  ransom  note,  enhances the capabilities of the ransomware, allowing it to
          encryption methods, or target selection, to suit their specific  spread more efficiently and target a larger number of
          attack objectives.                                  potential victims.

          Revenue Sharing: RaaS providers typically  implement  Common RaaS Models:
          revenue-sharing models, where they receive a percentage  1. Monthly subscription for a flat fee.
          of the ransom payments made by the victims. This creates
          an incentive for both the ransomware developers and the  2. Affiliate programs, which are the same as a monthly
          attackers to collaborate and maximize their financial gains.  fee model but with a percent of the profits (typically
                                                                 20-30%) going to the ransomware developer.
          Support and Infrastructure: RaaS providers may offer  3. One-time license fee with no profit sharing.
          technical support, hosting services, and infrastructure to  4. Pure profit sharing.
          their customers. This includes providing command-and-
          control (C&C) servers, payment portals, and communication  Implications and Impact: The widespread availability of
          channels to facilitate the interaction between the attackers
                                                              RaaS has resulted  in a surge  of  ransomware attacks,
          and the victims during the ransomware attacks.
                                                              affecting individuals, businesses, healthcare organizations,
                                                              and even critical infrastructure providers. The financial
          Criminal Ecosystems: RaaS contributes to the development  impact is staggering, with victims often left with no choice
          of  criminal  ecosystems  by  connecting  ransomware  but to pay exorbitant ransoms to regain access to their
          developers, distributors, and attackers. This collaborative  encrypted data. The collateral damage caused by these
          model allows cybercriminals with varying skill sets  to  attacks includes reputational harm, legal repercussions, and
          collaborate, share resources, and profit from ransomware  the erosion of public trust in digital systems.
          attacks collectively.

                                                              Examples of RaaS:
          Escalation  of  Attacks:  RaaS  has  contributed  to  the
          widespread proliferation and evolution of ransomware  Hive: Hive is a RaaS group that became popular in April 2022
          attacks.  It  has  enabled  the  rapid  development  and  when they targeted a large number of Microsoft's Exchange
          distribution of new ransomware variants, leading to an  Server  customers  using  a  pass-the-hash  technique.
          increase in the frequency and sophistication of attacks  Organizations  included  financial  firms,  non-profits,
          globally.                                           healthcare organizations, among many more. On January
                                                              26,  2023,  the  United  States  Department  of  Justice
          Affiliate Programs: Some RaaS platforms operate affiliate  announced they had disrupted Hive operations by seizing
          programs, where individuals or groups can sign up to  two back-end servers belonging to the group in Los Angeles,
          become affiliates. Affiliates receive a portion of the ransom
          payments or earn referral fees for bringing new customers
          to the RaaS platform. This incentivizes more individuals to
          participate in the distribution and use of ransomware.

          Monetization Model: RaaS providers often offer different
          pricing models to their customers, such as one-time fees,
          subscription-based plans, or revenue sharing based on the
          ransom payments. This flexibility allows attackers to choose
          the payment structure that aligns with their preferences
          and potential earnings.

          Exploit Kits  Integration: RaaS can be integrated with

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