Page 37 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 37


         ETHICS IN


          T        here has been a history of frauds in banking  was mainly on account of small value card/internet frauds,
                   system since long. With the passage of time,
                                                              the fraud amount reported by public sector banks was
                   many new  methods  are  being  adopted  by
                                                              mainly in loan portfolio.
                   fraudsters.  In  the  RBI  annual  report,  it  is
         mentioned that FY22 saw more number of frauds reported  Also, frauds have occurred in the loan portfolio, both in
         by banks and other financial institutions. but value decreased  terms of number and value. In the number of frauds,
         by half. In 2021-22 , frauds to the tune of Rs. 60,414 crore  advances constituted 42.2 per cent and in value terms it was
         were reported, down 56.28 % from Rs. 1.38 trillion in 2020-  almost 97 per cent at Rs 58,328 crores. Cards/internet
         21. In terms of number of frauds, these entities reported  constituted 39.5 per cent of the number of frauds but in
         23.69% higher frauds, at 9,103 in 2021-22 as against 7,359  value terms it was just 0.2 per cent.
         frauds in 2020-21. The RBI data considers frauds of Rs. 1
         lakh and above only. In publicly available sources, insider  Frauds can be broadly categorized into external frauds and
         involvement and management, dishonesty or breach of  internal frauds. However, frauds in banks arising out of both
         regulatory guidelines was the major reason.          system and human failures may be grouped into 4 categories
                                                              on the basis of perpetrator of fraud
         While the number of frauds reported by private sector banks  1. Frauds committed by employees.
                                                              2. Frauds committed by employees in collusion with
                                About the author                 outsiders who may or may not be customers of the bank.

                                                              3. Frauds committed by outsiders / customers with insider
                          Tushar Maheshwari
                                                                 support / involvement.
                          Senior Manager (Faculty)
                          Union Bank of India                 4. Frauds committed exclusively by outsider who may or
                          Staff Training Centre, Lucknow
                                                                 may not be the customer of the bank.

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