Page 42 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 42


          discussion of ethical issues with honesty is important to  Gather the facts about sequence of occurrence of
          successful ethical decision making.                    events.
                                                                 Ascertain your test for right vs. wrong. How would you
          Application of Business Ethics:                        define the problem, if you were to stand on the other
          Ethics  of  human  resource  management:  Ethics  is   side of the fence.
          significantly important in  Human resource management
          since it is concerned with human issues, such as health and  Ascertain the test for right versus right theory For
                                                                 example trust vs. loyalty, justice vs. mercy etc.
          safety at workplace, skill enhancement and development,
          compensation  and overall employee - employer relationship.  Your approach must look reasonable and persuasive.
                                                                 Investigate if there is any third way out of the situation
          Ethics of sales and marketing: Ethics in marketing is a
          philosophy that promotes honesty, fairness and responsibility  Make decision take action
          in all  sales and  marketing activities performed by an  Revisit and reflect on the decision
          enterprise. Since advertising is a mode of communication,
          therefore it should not be misleading and manipulative.  Ethical dilemma exists in providing banking services to the
                                                              customer during various phases. For instance, opening an
          Ethics  of  production:  Business  needs  to  provide  its  account, KYC norms have been adhered to or not, charging
          customers  best  quality  products,  and  should  not  the  interest  on  different  products  and  services,
          compromise to s\achieve cost efficiencies. Production  disbursement of loans and advances as per the process and
          process and technology should also be updated to match  need of the customer, carrying out due diligence in credit
          administered standards.                             proposals,  monitoring  the  account  and  proper
                                                              implementation of provisioning norms etc. At every stage,
          Ethics of finance: Professionals in business of financial  the bank staff should follow the ethical principles not
          services have to serve both their customers and company  withstanding any outside or inside pressures. Staff must
          with integrity and honesty. They must avoid conflict of  refer to the Law or Code of Ethics or internal guidelines.
          interest and provide information to its customers in full
          accuracy,  fair,  timely  and  understandable  manner.  Business Ethics and customers
          Professionals must also respect the confidentiality of
          information they obtain during the course of business and  Customer being the back bone of the banking business, it is
                                                              essential that both parties i.e. bank and customer understand
          should not use it for personal advantage.
                                                              all ethical dimensions in conducting the banking activities.
          Ethical dilemma
                                                              Starting from the account opening to the end of closing the
          Ethical dilemma occurs when there is a clash between two
                                                              account, the life cycle of a customer relationship with any
          rights. It is not disagreement between right and wrong but  bank is to be covered by the Code of Ethics laid down by the
          it is a conflict amongst two equally right moral perspectives.
                                                              management of  the bank in  line  with the regulatory
          An ethical dilemma exists when one is faced with having to  framework. Business ethics refers to honesty, integrity,
          make choice among the following alternatives        loyalty, correctness, care, respect for others, respect for law,
          1. Significant value - conflicts among differing interest
                                                              and concern for excellence, leadership, reputation and
          2. Real alternatives that is equally justifiable    responsibility.
          3. Significant consequences on stakeholders in situation
                                                              Consequences of unethical behaviour can lead
          Ethical dilemma are required to be thought about and  to:
          analyzed in a broader perspective. Steps for dealing with  Affecting fame and reputation of the bank
          ethical dilemma are as follows-
             Acknowledge that there is a moral issue             Disappearance of the bank
                                                                 Losing clients and business partners
             Ascertain  the people  who will  be affected by  the
             decision. Also, determine your role.                Wasting resources to hide unethical behavior

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