Page 44 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 44


          Work ethics and the workplace                          No direct or indirect hints to customers to meet the
                                                                 employees outside the workplace for any favour for
          An acceptable ethical behaviour involves an employee's  guidance to get a benefit
          general set of beliefs, values and behaviour that he/she
          shapes up for the regular day-to-day method of service  No  expectations  or  acceptance  of  gifts/favours
          delivery dealing with all categories of customers and to other  (irrespective of the amount)
          co-employees of the own organisation. An ethical workplace  Fair  and  appropriate  treatment  given  to  all  co-
          can be identified easily by even ordinary persons who may  employees
          not have any expertise in fields like organisation theories,  A prominent display of the names of all the major
          philosophy, law communications etc. Following are some of  officials  of  the  organisation's  branch  who  are
          the ways and means to recognize an ethical workplace -  responsible for core activities for the benefit of the
             Respectful treatment of all categories of customers by  customers
             the front office personnel Employees' awareness of the
             business processes and quick and to the point clear  The major causes for unethical behaviour at
             answer  to the queries
                                                              workplace are as follows
             Giving correct and authentic information to customers  Non-availability of Code of Ethics manual
             on matters like interest rates/ premature withdrawal  Lack of fear of action
             of term deposits etc.
                                                                 Unrealistic targets
             Guiding a person on a short visit for multi currency
                                                                 Influence of Co-employees
             travel card and weather to take fixed exchange rate or
             go in for real time exchange rate                   Unprincipled leadership
                                                                 Means are not appreciated
             Strict adherence to minimal prescribed documentation
             as prescribed by the regulator/ internal management
             and not insisting for additional documents from the  Ethics of a Banker
             borrower                                         A banker can be evaluated for ethical commitment at three
                                                              stages of his/her career
             Appropriate attire befitting the profession of the  i.  at the initial stages up to first 5 to 7 years of taking up
             employee and it should provide comfort to all the   banking as a career
             customers who need to speak to the employee
                                                              ii.  at the middle management stage, typically after 7 to
             Acceptable body language of the employees at the    15 years into banking sector , and
                                                              iii. at the senior management level, normally after 15 years
             High degree of energy level and commitment to work  into banking service
             and going the extra mile to help customers
             Confining to work related talks and avoiding all other  The following are some of the major ethical qualities
             matters not relating to the work directly        expected of a banker throughout his/her career
                                                              1. Honesty and Integrity
                                                              2. Commitment to customers
                                                              3. Confidentiality
                                                              4. Fair treatment
                                                              5. Transparency
                                                              6. Duty mindedness

                                                              Institutionalizing ethics in bank

                                                              Institutionalising ethics in bank refers to creating a Code of
                                                              Ethics and implementing the code in letter and spirit. It
                                                              includes all activities of banks like sales and marketing,

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