Page 47 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 47


         BFSI is one of the fastest-changing industries and early
         adopters of technologies. Customer demands in the BFSI      Ѫ»® ¬·³»ô ©» ³«­¬ ¿½¸·»ª» ·¬
         sector have undergone a significant transformation in re-  ½±²­·­¬»²¬´§ ¿½®±­­ ¬±«½¸°±·²¬­ ¿²¼ ¬¸»
         cent years. Traditionally, customers sought stability and  ½«­¬±³»® ¶±«®²»§ò É» ³«­¬ »²­«®» ±«®
         reliability in visiting banks and having in-person interactions.
         However, the digital revolution has reshaped these expec-  ­¬®¿¬»¹§ ¿²¼ ±°»®¿¬·±²­ ¿®» ½«­¬±³»®ó
         tations. In a broader sense, customer demands come in         ½»²¬®·½ ¬± ³¿µ» ·¬ ¸¿°°»²ò
         three forms:
         Customer Experience: How can the industry enhance cus-
                                                              to intelligently automate the end-to-end business applica-
         tomer experience across channels by providing seamless,
                                                              tion, from origination to disbursal. Banks and credit unions
         convenient, and personalized experiences? How can the
                                                              can use one platform to automate all loans, accounts, and
         customers achieve more and more straight-through pro-
                                                              service offerings.
         Operational Excellence: How can businesses improve the  Q. The current customer-centric landscape calls for
         TAT of processes, one of the true reflections of customer  personalized and hassle-free interactions at every cus-
         experience? How can they provide the right information to  tomer touchpoint. How does the NewgenONE plat-
         the right person at the right time for better decision-mak-  form help  deliver those in modern financial institu-
         ing?                                                 tions?
                                                              NewgenONE  is a comprehensive platform capable  of
         Business Innovation: How can businesses build more in-
                                                              streamlining end-to-end processes for financial institutions.
         novative apps rapidly based on the accumulated data? How
                                                              The platform automates all aspects of business for efficient
         fast can they respond to the change to stay ahead of the
                                                              operations, resulting in seamless customer journeys. The
                                                              customers of financial institutions, particularly millennials,
         Superior customer experience is not a single entity but
                                                              demand personalized and meaningful interactions at every
         rather a culmination of various factors that come together
                                                              touchpoint. We have built NewgenONE keeping customer-
         to elicit positive emotions from our customers. It is not a
                                                              centricity in our strategy and operations and designed it so
         one-time affair, either. Over time, we must achieve it con-
                                                              that the customer sails smoothly through the various finan-
         sistently across touchpoints and the customer journey. We
                                                              cial processes. Furthermore, we have bridged silos and cre-
         must ensure our strategy and operations are customer-
                                                              ated an integrated operational environment.
         centric to make it happen.
                                                              Q. Walk us through Newgen's Contextual Content Ser-
         Q. Low code has brought a paradigm shift in how the  vices platform and how it assists enterprises in man-
         financial sector operates. How is Newgen helping the  aging the growing influx of content.
         financial institutions in that aspect?               Newgen's Contextual Content Services is one of the core
         Newgen empowers financial institutions with NewgenONE-  functionalities of our NewgenONE platform, apart from
         a low-code platform to create business applications more  Intelligent Process Automation and Omnichannel Customer
         rapidly than ever. This helps them gain agility, achieve  Engagement. It comprises Content Lifecycle Management,
         faster time-to-market, and achieve automation at scale.  Business Process Digitization, Content Intelligence, and
         With a lowcode platform, banks can now automate their  more. Enterprises can leverage our ECM suite to manage
         front, mid, and back offices and create applicationsthat  content, processes, and communication with a single plat-
         carry a seamless flow of data across applications.   form. It helps automate content lifecycle management for
         Banks are creating onboarding, lending, trade finance,  all types of content across the organization and ensures
         payroll, and credit card applications that includeintuitive  access to documents and information anytime, anywhere.
         customer-centric apps and backend processes. The low-code
         process automation software enables financial institutions  Q. How does NewgenONE facilitate operations inte-

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