Page 45 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 45


         customer relationship, service delivery, credit management,  Why codes of Ethics fail ?
         regulatory compliance etc. Ethics, corporate governance and  Organisations where a code of ethics might grossly and
         responsible financing are interlinked.
                                                              significantly fail to bring in any difference to the ethical
                                                              working of the employees could be when :
         The employees  must  be sensitized for the
                                                              1. Language used in code of ethics is very complex and
         following aspects:                                      ambiguous
         a) Conflicts of interest
                                                              2. Code of ethics commits for something that is very
         b) Confidential information                             difficult for a bank to ensure
         c)  Fair dealing                                     3. Top management does not find time to periodically
         d) Policy on social media                               meet and take stock of the collated and reported
         e) Employee relations - for the fresher as well as for the  information of employees violating code of ethics
             experienced                                      4. Management either remains biased or is perceived to
         f)  Sharing Bank's own experience in ethical compromises  be biased in dealing similar cases of code violation and
                                                                 awarding different penalties
         Commercial banks in India may also take up some additional
         measures (mentioned below) to better strengthen the  Way forward
         ethical environment in their banks                   In the Indian and global contexts, there are adequate
         i.  An officer of established ethical conduct can be handed  number of Ethical Codes. Corporate Governance Codes,
             over the responsibility to look after the ethics (besides  Rules from the regulators, Laws, directions from select
             compliance) in the banks . He / She may publicize the  enforcement  agencies and government authorities in
             ethical aspects to all employees from time to time on  context of the acceptable behaviour at work. There is also
             bank's intranet.                                 substantial literature that is available both in the form of
                                                              books, research reports etc. The fact of the matter is that
         ii.  Digitisation and online availability of credit appraisals
             more than what regulator prescribes              the ethical behaviour has not yet been imbibed by the entire
                                                              fraternity of the financial sector. The reasons could be many
         iii. Felicitating employee of the month for highest  ethical  such as materialistic behavior, greed, negligence, pressure
             conduct                                          from the unscrupulous borrowers, lack of involvement in
         iv. Making all employees to work towards maximization of  work or inadequate diligence and above all the lack of fear
             profits for the bank without compromising on ethical  that the career will be damaged, if the employee is caught
             principles.                                      and faces punishment.
         v.  Acting strictly in accordance with the banking principles  Some ways in which employees may be persuaded to remain
             and not individual discretion                    ethical in their career and life is through efforts by top
         vi. Not succumbing to pressure from top when there is no  managements in the form of training the personnel at the
             justification                                    stage of induction and orienting them towards ethical
                                                              conduct and some motivational sessions by the outside
         vii. Helping the loan applicants who are financially most
             deserving, even if it requires spending extra time and  experts  who  themselves  have  been  known  for  their
             efforts                                          impeccable track records throughout their career. Besides,
                                                              there can be some reward and recognition system for those
         viii. Incorporating ethical conduct as a parameter in annual  who have remained ethical in their duties rather than
             appraisals                                       treating it as a job.

         Four broad aspects can be identified to justify why banks Sources
         need separate Code of Ethics for their employees. These are  1) Book on "Ethics in Banking' by  IIBF
         1. sensitizing their employees to their responsibilities  2) Book "Business Ethics" by C.S.V. Murthy

         2. To display that banks value integrity             3)
         3. To avoid innocent violations                      4) Business
         4. To deal with habitual violators                   5) Internet

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