Page 40 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 40


          Principles of Business Ethics                       Need and importance of ethics in bank-

          Being ethical is of utmost importance for business in present  ing
          times. Every organisation needs to have a standard code of  Similar to any other type of business, there are a lot of
          ethics.  Influence of strong business ethics will lead to a  reasons for ethics to be implemented in banking because it
          profitable and successful business firm.  The following  creates credibility for the banks as it is related to punctuality
          undernoted  business  principles  can  result  into  an  of fulfilling obligations and honouring the terms of contracts.
          unprecedented business success:
                                                              Banks need to deliver high quality service to its customers.
                                                              Also, with the continuing progression of internalisation, along
          Dignity: The most important principle of ethics is to treat  with the global integration, the continuous financial
          each other with utmost respect regardless of difference, which  innovations have brought the possibilities of minimum direct
          is treating each individual as an end rather than as a means
                                                              influence on banking operations. Ethics helps in dealing with
          to an end. Similarly, while dealing with customers, a business'  dilemmas, guards reputation and Goodwill as well as helps
          ultimate objective should not be only profit making but also
                                                              to avoid risk.
          the customers' interest. Courtesy is a major element of dignity,
          and it is essential to treat people with courtesy.
                                                              Principles of ethical banking:
          Fairness: It is about displaying concern with actions, process  Principles of ethics in Banking business provide a guideline
          and consequences that are morally right, honourable and  to the banking professional, which helps them to deal with
          equitable. The primary advantage of fairness is that it  the ethical issues. Banks are responsible not only towards
          establishes moral standards for decisions that affect others.  its customers,  but also  to its employees, community,
                                                              investors and Government.
          Honesty: Honesty means being truthful and straight forward.
          It is an attribute that is largely linked to an individual rather  Trust : The first and foremost principal of ethical banking is
          than a situation. Integrity is also linked to honesty.  trust. Money being an integral part of the economy and
                                                              standard medium of exchange across the world, the whole
          Openness: The concept of openness is that things should  banking system is dependent on the trust of the society.
          be as they are supposed to be, and not in a concealed  Trust is the confidence in quality for attribute of a person or
          manner.                                             a  thing  which  also  includes  truth  of  a  statement,
                                                              truthfulness and trustfulness. Trust is defined as a vital factor
          Reputation/Goodwill:  Goodwill  is  one  of  the  most  in successful leadership and management. Mutual trust has
          important assets of a business and also one of the most  significant importance for successful functioning of any
          difficult to rebuild, if it is lost. Business should work on  business system.
          building a good reputation along with high morale for its
          staff. Good reputation or goodwill helps in resolving many  Integrity: It is a very important for business ethics and moral
          problems and also has a material value.             behaviour. This principle means that there is no intention
                                                              to treat the business partner in an immoral way, whether it
          Prudence: It is the ability of a business to make right  refers to deception, theft or some other undesirable way of
          decision and which is gained over a period of time from  treating a business partner.
          experiences and knowledge. It is required to exercise a
          degree of judgement that makes the situation no worse, but  Neutrality:  Bank  should  not  differentiate  among  its
          rather improve the circumstances.                   employees and customers and refrain from any kind of
                                                              biased behaviour.
          Concern for others/Social responsibility: Every business
          takes birth, survives and grows with the consent and  Reliability:   Banks  should  provide information to its
          corporation of the society. Since, it is an integral part of the  customers that is understandable, clear and accurate while
          society, it makes the business morally responsible towards  performing their services and operations.
          society to build a better quality of life by harmonizing
          organisational actions with society wants'.         Transparency: Banks should keep its customers clearly

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