Page 39 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 39


         The points 1 & 2 above clearly mention that such frauds  Special ethics is also known as applied ethics. Hence for an
         happen due to involvement of employees/staff. The reason  individual, values and  judgements play a  critical role
         behind such involvement is lack of ethics and ethical  whenever he or she is making ethical decisions.
         behaviour. There is a need of ethics to be followed by every
         employee whether it is business, governance,  banking,  Consequences  of  ethics  in  human
         other financial institution and other places.
         In this article, we will discuss in detail, the various aspects  Ethics significantly focuses on human behaviour, which is
         of ethics in business, banking and the habits/values to be  driven by human actions. Ethics is concerned with human
         developed to become an ethical banker.               actions that are deliberate i.e.
                                                              1) it was done voluntarily
         The purpose of business is to make money. If it does not, it
                                                              2) It was done with some knowledge
         will fail in its primary objective. It should be in the ethical
         way. Ethics is equally pertinent for individuals as well as for  3) Such actions were freely done
         the business. The word ethics is derived from the Greek
         word ethos (character) and from the Latin word mores  Human actions are subject to scrutiny, if the action is carried
         (customs). Together, they combine to define how individuals  under the factors such as-
         choose to interact with one another. In philosophy, ethics  1) Ignorance or lack of knowledge
         defines what is good, both for the individual as well as for  2) Passion
         the society, and establishes the nature of duties that people
                                                              3) Under the influence of fear
         owe to themselves and to one another. Hobbes is called the
         father of modern ethics.                             4) action influenced by violence
                                                              5) Actions performed out of habit or voluntariness
         There are three dimensions of ethics namely personal,
         professional  and  managerial.  Certain values that are  6) Temperament
         essential for professional are responsibility, respect, fairness  7) Pathological states
         and honesty. In business, ethics deals with the question
         whether specific business practices are acceptable. In case  Business Ethics and Business Values
         of managers, business ethics helps in arriving at ethical
         decision during complex situations. For example- In a sales  Business values are an informal term and it explains the core
                                                              principles or standards that guide the way business is done.
         presentation to a client, should a sales person omit the facts
         about a product's poor safety records?  Ethics for the  Values sum up what your business stands for and what
         managers is a combination of a moral person and a moral  makes it special.
         manager. It also means communicating openly, explicitly and
         frequently about ethics and values. Personal values have  Business Ethics     Business Values
         significant influence on ethical decision making. For example,  Ethics refers to the  Value is defined as the
         doing personal work during office such as searching on the  guidelines for conduct  principles and ideals which
         Internet, taking credit for others work, doing homework of  that address questions  help them in making
         the children at office time etc.                      about morality          engagement of what is
                                                                                       more important
         Ethics is known as moral philosophy and as a science of  Moral principle system  Induces thinking
         morality. Ethics can be described as a science that examines  What is morally correct  What we want to do or
         the general principles for determining the true worth of the
                                                               or incorrect in the given  achieve?
         ultimate ends of human conduct. Ethics that develops  situation?
         principles pertaining to the morality of human actions is
         general ethics. While application of principles, developed in  Magnitude of rightness  It explains the level of
         general ethics to people's conduct towards themselves,  or wrongness of one's  significance
         other human beings, society and the state is special ethics.  options

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