Page 36 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 36


             copies of data, stored on two different media, with one  7. Public Awareness Campaigns: Raising public awareness
             copy stored off-site or offline.                    about ransomware risks and prevention measures can
                                                                 help individuals and businesses protect themselves.
          4. Incident  Response  Planning:  Developing  a        Governments, industry associations, and cybersecurity
             comprehensive  incident  response  plan  enables    organizations can launch public awareness campaigns
             organizations to respond effectively in the event of a  to educate users about safe online practices and the
             ransomware attack. The plan should include procedures  consequences of engaging with RaaS.
             for  isolating  affected  systems,  contacting  law
             enforcement, engaging with cybersecurity experts, and  8. Continuous  Monitoring  and  Threat  Hunting:
             restoring data from backups.                        Implementing robust security monitoring and threat
                                                                 hunting capabilities allows organizations to detect and
          5. Collaboration and Information Sharing: Public-private  respond to ransomware attacks promptly. This involves
             partnerships between government agencies,  law      utilizing advanced  threat  detection technologies,
             enforcement,  cybersecurity  firms,  and  industry  behavioural analytics, and security information and
             associations can foster collaboration and information  event management (SIEM) solutions to identify and
             sharing to combat RaaS. Sharing threat intelligence,  mitigate threats in real-time.
             indicators of compromise (IOCs), and best practices helps
             organizations  stay ahead of evolving  ransomware  In  coming  future,  Ransomware  as  a  Service  (RaaS)
             threats.                                         represents a significant threat to individuals, organizations,
                                                              and society as a whole. Its accessibility and customizable
          6. International Cooperation: Ransomware attacks are  nature have fuelled the growth of ransomware attacks,
             often carried out across borders, making international  leading to devastating consequences. Combating RaaS
             cooperation crucial. Governments and law enforcement  requires a collective effort, with technology advancements,
             agencies should collaborate to extradite and prosecute  robust security measures, and collaboration between
             cybercriminals involved in RaaS activities, dismantle  stakeholders. By staying vigilant, proactive, and informed,
             criminal networks, and enforce stricter penalties for  we can mitigate the risks posed by RaaS and safeguard the
             cybercrimes.                                     digital landscape against this evolving cyber extortion threat.

                    RBI determined to bring down inflation to 4%: RBI Guv
           RBI is determined to bringing down inflation to 4 per cent and will remain watchful of risks as more frequent global
           supply shocks can have profound implications on the management of the price situation, RBI Governor Shaktikanta
           Das said in a lecture at the Delhi School of Economics.

           The Central Bank remains on guard to ensure that the second-order effects in the form of generalisation and persis-
           tence with regard to inflation are not allowed to take hold, he added. The government has mandated the RBI to
           keep inflation at 4 per cent with a margin of 2 per cent on either side, that is the tolerance limit being 2-6 per cent.
           "The frequent incidences of recurring food price shocks pose a risk to the anchoring of inflation expectations, which
           has been underway since February 2022. We will remain watchful of this aspect also," Das said. "The role of contin-
           ued and timely supply side interventions as is being undertaken by the government assumes criticality in limiting the
           severity and duration of such food price shocks," he added in his address.
           In these circumstances, he said, it is necessary to be watchful of any risk to price stability and act timely and appro-
           priately. "We remained firmly focused on aligning inflation to the target of 4 per cent," he said without giving any

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