Page 41 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 41


         updated about their rights and obligations and all aspects  To promote high standards of practice
         of products and services offered to them.               To  provide  benchmark for  members  to use  self-
         Responsiveness: Local government should always try to serve
         the needs of the entire community while balancing competing  To establish a framework for professional behaviour and
         interests in a timely, appropriate and responsive manner.
                                                                 As a vehicle for occupational identity
         Ethics and Morality                                     As a mark of occupational maturity
         For it, first we have to understand what morality is. Morality
         is the belief system of society, culture or religion.  It is the  Code  of  ethics includes  codes  of  ethics  of  integrity,
         values an individual has and it helps differentiate 'right' from  objectivity,  competence,  fairness,  confidentiality,
         'wrong'. Morals are standard rules created by society. It is  professionalism, diligence and codes of ethics of compliance.
         for an individual to decide what is right and follow the  As a regulator, building these codes may not be a big
         morals. For example - speak truth, being loyal, should not  challenge but the critical part is how an organisation like a
         steal, be patient etc.                               bank can deal with the same internally.

         In certain cases, being morally correct might not mean that Personal Ethics and Business Ethics
         it is objectively right and therefore, sometimes an action  Personal ethics: Personal ethics is a class of philosophy that
         may be morally correct but it might not be correctly legally  governs an individual's beliefs about morality and correct or
         or vice versa.                                       incorrect behaviours. Personal ethics is the basic standards
                                                              and values that influence interaction among individuals.
         Difference between Ethics and Morality

         1. Morals are general guidelines framed by the society, like  Business ethics: Business ethics can be explained as either
             respect your elders while ethics is an application of these  written or unwritten codes of guidelines and values that
             guidelines to a particular situation.            influence the decisions and actions within a company. In the
                                                              business world, the organisation's culture sets standards for
         2. Morals are prescribed by society, culture or religion  determining the difference between good and bad decision
             whereas ethics that governs an individual's life is chosen  making and behaviour.
             by individual himself.
         3. Morals are largely related with principles of right or Conflict between Personal ethics and Business
             wrong. On other hand, ethics emphasizes more on right  ethics :
             and wrong conduct.
                                                              Ethical clashes or dilemmas may arise in several situations
         4. Morals usually differ from society to society and culture  like:
             to culture as opposed to Ethics, which remains identical,  1.  The individual ethics may clash with the group ethics
             irrespective of any culture, religion or society.   predominant in the organisation.
         5. Morals do not have any business applicability, while Ethics  2. The individual ethics of a single powerful person in the
             is broadly pertinent in the business as business ethics.  organisation may be predominant in the organisation.
                                                                 If that individual is ethical and works for the good of all
         Ethics is about moral principles. Codes of ethics are general  the shareholders, it results in the positive outcome but
         standards which have to be uniformly followed by everyone  if that person is unethical, it may result in negative
         engaged in the same  profession. Code  of conduct is    impact on the organisation.
         enforceable while codes of ethics are standards which have  3. In some cases, employees may be taught to ignore any
         to be followed voluntarily by members in the interest of their  issue, which he or she thinks is unethical.
         clients as well as their own.
                                                              Although it is important to resolve these ethical dilemmas,
         Code of ethics is required:                          the answer is not  to compromise  and go  along with
             To define acceptable behaviours                  management or the group on business ethics issues. Open

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