Page 51 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 51


                                           Mediation Bill:

                               A new beacon of hope?

         T         he Mediation Bill, as passed by both Houses in  warrant liberal interpretation, which may prove to be a bone

                   August 2023 and currently awaiting Presidential
                                                              of contention between parties.
                   assent, seeks to codify, institutionalise and
                   promote the process of mediation by establishing
                                                              community conflicts and other unconventional domains in
          the Mediation Council of India recognising mediation service  The Bill expands mediation to include family disputes,
          providers and providing for the registration of mediators. It  addition to civil and commercial disputes. Moreover, the
          also provides for online and community mediation.   Mediation Bill will have an overriding effect for conducting
                                                              mediation over other laws, except for legislations specified
          Essentially, it makes prelitigation mediation voluntary in  under the second schedule and to proceedings conducted
          nature, allowing parties to choose if they want to participate  by the Lok Adalat.
          in the process. Originally the Bill had made prelitigation
          mediation compulsory, but the Standing Committee on  Further, the Bill initially envisaged that the mediation process
                                                              must be completed within 180 days, which may be extended
          Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice proposed to
                                                              by another 180 days by the parties. However, it appears that
          make prelitigation mediation voluntary and not mandatory.
                                                              adhering to the suggestions of the Report of the Standing
          Now, a provision acknowledges the  autonomy of the
                                                              Committee, this was reduced to an initial period of 120 days,
          involved parties and allows them to opt out of mediation
                                                              which could be extended by 60 days. Even if the parties fail
          after  Now,  mediation  can  be  coaxed but  not  forced
                                                              to reach a settlement through prelitigation mediation, the
          undergoing two sessions if they desire. Mediation can be
                                                              court or tribunal may at any stage refer the parties to
          coaxed but not forced.
                                                              mediation if they request the same.
          Further, the Bill provides for creation of a 'Mediation Service  Enforcing Settlements
          Provider' or MSP, to  conduct  mediation procedures,
                                                              The Bill seeks to enforce mediated settlement agreements
          accreditation, maintenance of panels and all operations
                                                              as per the provisions of Civil Procedure Code, as if it were a
          ancillary thereof. The MSP will be graded by the Mediation
          Council of India. The Bill also provides an indicative list of  judgement or  decree  passed by the court.  With  this
                                                              development, parties to the dispute will have quicker access
          subject matters not fit for mediation, including disputes
                                                              to resolution in addition to reduced burden on the courts.
          involving allegations of fraud, forgery, claims involving
          minors, persons suffering from intellectual disabilities, tax
                                                              By following the suit of codifying the mediation provisions
          disputes, disputes under the Competition Act, among others.
                                                              from various international instruments, the code emerges
                                                              as a beacon of hope in addressing the issues of binding
          Although, an indicative list goes a long way in reducing  confidentiality, party empowerment, procedural clarity, bias
          doubt, broadly worded subject matters such as "settlement
                                                              and neutrality.
          of matters which are prohibited being in conflict with public
          policy or is opposed to basic notions of morality or justice or  However, the loopholes require immediate attention so as
          under any law for the time being in force" would possibly  to instil confidence in the process. (Source: Business Line)

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