Page 29 - Banking Finance October 2023
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         Trends in Loan Compromise and Loan                   compromise and loan write off. For any violation of the same
                                                              may question the staff accountability.
         Write off:
         Data relating to loan compromise by banks at the aggregate  In particular, it is necessary to create awareness of loan
         level are not available. But, some idea regarding loan  compromise scheme of the banks so that more eligible
         compromise shall be developed  by looking into performance  compromise proposals shall be mobilised.  But, care should
         of Lokaadalts which  are engaged in recovery of bank dues  be taken to avoid this drive not to give a wrong signal to
         from small borrowers  through counselling and amicable  regular borrowers at large.  The valuation of assets charged,
         settlement. Accordingly,  the amount of loan outstanding  negotiation  with  the borrower  and  adoption  of  the
         of the cases referred to Lokadalts for loan recovery through  committee approach would decide the success of the loan
         compromise settlement stood at  Rs. 67,801, Rs. 28,084 and  compromise.
         Rs. 119,005 crores as on Mach end, 2020, 2021 and 2022
         respectively.                                        Similarly, the success of loan technical write off  depends on
                                                              the timing of cases considered, valuation of securities
                                                              charged, delegation of power  and observance of due
         But, the percentage of actual recovery from the amount of
                                                              diligence of the  Board approved policy.  In  both loan
         loan involved in the above  remained insignificant being  just
         6.2, 4.0 and 2.3 as on March end, 2020, 2021 and 2022  compromise and loan technical write off cases, professional
                                                              approach is called for.
         respectively.  In  view  of  low  loan  recovery  through
         Lokadalats, it is necessary to strengthen Lokadalts on one  Even today, there has been hesitancy on the part of bank
         hand and create awareness of the Lokadalats on the part  staff to go in for the compromise and technical write off due
         of bank officers (5). In respect of technical loan write off,  to lack of clarity. Hence, the RBI has rightly brought out the
         the situation is different. To elaborate, as per the recent  Framework for loan compromise and loan write off and,
         RBI's RTI,  banks in India wrote off bad loans worth over Rs  banks  have to create awareness of the  same  so that
         2.09, Rs. 1.74 and Rs. 2.03 lakh crore by March end 2023,  collective efforts shall be put in to reduce the level of NPAs.
         2022 and 2021 respectively.
                                                              In addition, bank officers shall be exposed to training to

         However, the actual loan recovery after the written off  encourage them to initiate loan compromise and loan write
                                                              off more professionally and in line with the Framework. In
         cases  is hardly Rs. 45,548, Rs. 33,534 and Rs. 30,104 crores
         by March end, 2023, 2022 and 2021 respectively.  Regarding  addition, top management in the banks shall create a
                                                              conducive environment for the officers to go in loan
         the bank wise data relating to reduction in NPAs due to
                                                              compromise and loan write off in terms of the Framework
         write-offs in 2022-23, the position of major banks in public
                                                              without any fear of staff accountability. Towards this end,
         sector  is : State Bank of India = Rs 24,061 crore, Punjab
                                                              banks have a long way to go.
         National Bank = Rs 16,578 crore, Union Bank= Rs 19,175
         crore, Central Bank of India = Rs 10,258 crore and Bank of  References:
         Baroda = Rs 17,998 crore. (6). Thus, efforts of banks need
                                                              1.  RBI  circular  on  revised  guidelines  for  compromise
         to be strengthened in stepping up loan recovery from
                                                                 settlement of chronic Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) of
         compromise and written off cases.                       public sector banks, July 29, 2003.
                                                              2.  RBI  circular  on  compromise/negotiated/one  time
         Conclusion:                                             settlement of NPAs , June 21, 2010.
         To summarise, non legal recovery measures are always  3.  Prudential Framework on resolution of stressed assets,
         preferred to legal recovery measures.  Now a days, loan  RBI Circular,  June 07, 2019.
         compromise and write off are given importance since the  4.  RBI circular on framework for compromise settlements
         introduction of the recent Framework by RBI in June 2023  and technical write-offs, June 08, 2023.
         to provide clarity and adopt uniform approach in the interest  5.  Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India, RBI,
         of banks and borrowers. It is necessary to observe due  for different years.
         diligence  of  the  Board  approved  policies  on  loan  6.  Indian Express, June 24, 2023.

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