Page 25 - Banking Finance October 2023
P. 25


         the project deserves certain concessions from banks in the  to evolve its own One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) as per
         form of reduction in the rate of interest, granting more time  the RBI guidelines.  For effective implementation of the
         to pay bank dues in suitable instalments, additional finance,  bank loan compromise scheme, it is necessary to bring the
         reducing promoter's contribution, financing of cash losses  notice of OTS to the eligible defaulters and mobilize as many
         until the project breaks even etc. Towards this end, Reserve  proposals as possible to avail of benefits compromise .It is
         Bank of India (RBI) issues guidelines on debt restructuring  also necessary , to go in for compromise settlement timely.
         from time to time. Each bank is required to have a board  Such proposals should be  carefully prepared  by the branch
         approved scheme on debt restructuring. This also calls for  manager  keeping  in  mind  the  bank  policy  on  loan
         certain changes needed in the original loan agreement as  compromise. Otherwise, these may become vigilance cases.
         part of debt restructuring. Overall experience of banks  It is always better to involve all staff members in mobilizing
         seems to be satisfactory in debt restructuring wherever  compromise proposals. Care should be taken that the
         enough cash surplus is generated.                    recovery through compromise should not throw a wrong
                                                              signal to the borrowers at large who are regular in loan
         This holds good in respect of rehabilitation of sick units. For  repayment.
         rehabilitation of sick units, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issues
         guidelines on identification of a sick unit, preparation of  Over the years, banks have succeeded to recover bank dues
         rehabilitation package, implementation of the package. In  through loan compromise.  If the decision is to go in for
         general, success in rehabilitation exercise has not been  compromise, all issues must be first  sorted out through the
         encouraging. Lastly, as a last resort, loan compromise and  Court in the form of a consent decree, so that it will be
         loan write off shall be considered which are currently widely  binding on all defendants. In cases of  more  than one
         talked about  with  the recent framework on these two has  judgement debtor, the consent of all parties is a must.  In
         been brought about by RBI in June 2023. For effective  any case, the decision on compromise should be on the basis
         implementation of the framework, there a felt need to  of merit of each case. Similarly, the  bank  should  carry out
         create its awareness on the part of officers in banks. Towards  cost  : benefit analysis to estimate the loss which may arise
         this end, the article  discusses  concept, process and RBI  in case compromise is accepted  as against the benefit which
         framework of loan compromise and write off for the benefit  may accrue if the money so recovered is invested profitably.
         of bank officers.                                    Before negotiation, valuation of the assets should be done
                                                              and information about the borrower and his personal assets
         Loan Compromise:                                     should be collected from the market.
         Loan  compromise means 'agreeing to a borrower's request
         of accepting a part of outstanding dues in the books of the  Compromise proposals can be entertained either at  pre-
         bank as full and final payment or allowing for the non-  litigation stage or at  post-litigation/decree stage. At the
         compliance of the terms of the loan, after analyzing the  pre-litigation stage, concessions are offered in the form of
         alternative courses of action, genuineness and capacity of  re-schedulement / re-phasement of unpaid loan instalments
         the borrower to repay'.  It is also called as 'voluntary debt  under bank schemes on debt restructuring  or  rehabilitation
         reduction' or 'scaling down of dues', mainly interest amount
         and bank charges.  In  a situation, where the borrower's
         ability/capacity to repay the bank's dues and its ability to
         recover the same by other means are limited, a compromise
         proposal works well. Government of India (GOI) announces
         compromise  settlement  schemes  under  certain

         For instance, in 2008, the GOI introduced Agriculture Debt
         Waiver and Relief Scheme for small, marginal and other
         farmers. In addition, each bank is also given an autonomy

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