Page 11 - Life Insurance Today March 2016
P. 11
In studying death rate of human life, we have to fall back (3) If 'P' is the probability of an event to occur, (1-P) is
on the statistical definition only. Considering a group of complementary probability that the event will not
10,000 lives aged 35 years, observed for one year. If 13 occur and is denoted as 'Q'. In other words P + Q = 1,
die before expiry of one year, the death rate at age 35 is i.e. the sum of Probabilities of two complementary
13/10000 = 0.0013. events is unity (i.e. 1).
When the number of lives observed is increased,it may (4) It follows the Addition Theorem of Probability- It can
tend to a certain value say .00124. Then this value is taken be explained by the following example:
as probability of dying within one year at age 35. It is Example: A bag contains 8 balls, viz, 1 black, 3 red and
denoted by Q35 and is known as the mortality rate at age 4 yellow balls. What is the probability for an event E
35. Thus, Q35 = .00124. So for calculation of net premiums that a ball drawn is either black or red?
in life policies, we need to depend on the probability and a. Probability (P) = No. of favourable ways / Total no.
mortality tables to assurance values. of mutually exclusive & exhaustive events.
The life insurers while fixing the premium rates or b. The number of favourable ways is 4 because there
assessing the liabilities under the Life Insurance contracts are 1 black and 3 red balls and any one of them
has to make certain assumptions regarding interest rates, when drawn will be considered as favourable for
mortality rates and expenses which will be experienced in happening of the given event. Also total number
the years to come. It is important to have a correct of equally likely exclusive and exhaustive ways in
estimate of these factors as otherwise the results deduced which balls can be drawn is 8 as there are only 8
from the assumptions made may not be reasonably close balls are in the bag. Therefore, P = 4/8 = ½
to the actual experience of the insurers.
c. If we define event E1 as that of drawing a black
E. Properties of probability applicable in ball and E2 as that of drawing a red ball and if the
life insurance: corresponding probabilities of happening these
events when a ball is drawn are denoted by P1
(1) Probability of happening of an event is a fraction lying and P2 respectively then events E1 and E2, are
between 0 and 1, as in relative frequency 'N/M'; 'N' mutually exclusive because both of them cannot
cannot exceed 'M'. If the probability is '0' it means that occur simultaneously. Also P1 i.e. probability that
the event cannot happen, whilst if it is 1, it means that a ball drawn is black = 1/8 and P2 i.e. probability
the event is certain to happen. that the ball drawn is red = 3/8. We observe that
P1+ P2 = 1/8 + 3/8 = 4/8 = ½ = P.
(2) If the probability that event 'E' happens is 'P', the
probability that the event does not happen is (1-P). d. When two events E1 and E2 are mutually exclusive
In other way, (1-P) is exactly the probability of the and if P1 is the probability for occurrence of event
event "non-E" happening. Thus, if in case of throwing E1 and P2 is the probability for occurrence of event
a dice the probability that the number 1 turns up is E2 then the probability that either event E1 or
1/6, the probability that the number is not turning up event E2 will occur is given by P1+P2. This is known
is (1- 1/6) or 5/6. Again if the probability that a person as Addition Theorem of Probability.
aged 30 dies within a year is 0.001; the probability
that a person aged 30 does not die within a year (i.e. e. The Addition Theorem can be extended to more
survives for one year) is 0.999. Two such events are than 2 events. Thus if the probabilities of mutual
called "Complementary events". If the probability of events E1, E2, E3 to occur be P1, P2, P3
an event is known the probability of the respectively then probability that either E1 or E2
complementary event is obtained by subtracting this or E3 happens is given by P1+P2+P3.
probability from unity (i.e. 1).
f. It may also be noted that the result does not hold
good if the events are not mutually exclusive. For
example let us consider a case of throwing a dice.
Let event E1 be defined to occur when it turns up
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
Life Insurance Today March 2016 11