Page 7 - Life Insurance Today March 2016
P. 7
Delhi 353975 2548480 2902455 871670 2589195
Goa 92681 31982 124573 24457 128335
Gujarat 3918556 3421080 7339636 2277669 6594256
Haryana 2895211 2110210 5005421 1289615 4229775
Himachal 728254 101973 830227 146303 744227
Jammu & 1405891 247646 1653537 776021 1097809
Jarkhand 3725651 1539555 5265206 2292960 4161478
Karnataka 5429093 3437009 8866102 2712663 8177204
Kerala 1309823 1148029 2457852 695008 2186936
Lakshadweep 4525 586 5111 1677 4084
It is revealed from table 1 that the public sector bank has Madhya 8535142 8572519 17107661 6991445 14049239
lion's share with respect to the total number of accounts Pradesh
opened under PMJDY. The private banks have share of 3.82
per cent of total urban accounts opened under the same. Maharastra 5819465 6493022 12312487 4769125 11238007
Manipur 253946 310514 564460 164908 487667
Though the RRBs are based in rural area, they have not Meghalaya 181214 56393 237607 74543 184599
acted proactively to PMJDY. RRBs should direct its staff
to implement PMJDY effectively by educating the mass to Mizoram 56745 73897 130732 61839 85199
open accounts in bank. It is concluded that the public sec-
tor banks have become successful in implementation of Nagaland 86793 67691 154754 65512 136345
Yojana due to its vast number of branches.
Orissa 5620964 1898837 7519801 2356696 6159616
Puducherry 55074 54533 109607 30998 94694
Punjab 2762175 1847632 4609807 989518 4300055
Table 2: State-wise progress under PMJDY as Rajasthan 9953620 5471475 15425095 4822766 13190151
on 2nd December 2015
Sikkim 61575 10973 72548 23197 61727
Tamil Nadu 4199348 3480616 7703160 2803632 6178346
State-wise Rural Urban Total Zero bal RuPay Telangana 4518072 3185088 7703160 2803632 6178346
accounts accounts accounts cards
Tripura 452794 193066 645860 120824 454492
Andaman & 37322 15039 52361 21037 46791
Nikobar Uttar 17874067 11863741 29737808 9923893 27124408
Andhra 4094154 3028247 7122401 2333949 6396403
Pradesh Uttarakhand 1183167 536985 1720152 456130 1477497
Arunachal 87861 32331 120172 44267 105952 West 11556016 5418445 16974461 4567477 12484407
Pradesh Bengal
Assam 4857213 1629126 6486409 2081751 5032313 www. edited accessed on
12th December 15
Bihar 10710510 4350202 15060712 5026207 13467900 It is professed from table 2 that the Southern states like
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and
Chandigarh 42814 167229 210043 36178 204222 Telangana have made commendable progress. While,
north- Eastern states have to act proactively for implemen-
Chattisgarh 5956224 2914499 8870723 4144493 6774753 tation of PMJDY. The staff of branch is to be educated in
popularizing as well as effective implementation of the
Dadra & 44417 9059 53476 16165 48136 said programme.
Nagar Haveli
Daman & 14930 7894 22824 6335 19530
"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you."
Life Insurance Today March 2016 7