Page 4 - Life Insurance Today March 2016
P. 4


   Editorial                                              3   Financial inclusion of all indi-
                                                                    viduals and all sections of
   Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana- An Overview            5         population is very vital from
   - Dr. D. D. Kulkarni                                      the point of view of ensuring inclusive
                                                             growth of national economy. Limited
   Concept of probability as applied in Life Insurance       access to affordable financial services
                                                             such as savings, loans, remittance and
   - Anabil Bhattacharya                                  9  insurance services by the vast major-
                                                             ity of the population in the rural areas
   Insurance reforms: Time to execute the vision        18   and unorganized sector is believed to
   - Jagendra Kumar                                          be acting as a constraint to the growth
                                                             momentum in sector like Agriculture,
   Group Microsurance Plan                              26   primary and Small and Medium Enter-
   from IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co. Ltd.                 prises.

   Elite Assure Plan                                    27    There is a proverb "Head I
   from Star Union Di-ichi Life Insurance                              win Tail I loss" - that indicates
                                                                       a coin normally used to start
   IRDAI Circular                                       28   a match say, the National Kabaddi
                                                             competition that has recently ended
   LEGAL                                                29   or in the T20 World Cup Cricket
                                                             matches that are knocking at our
   Insurance as an estate planning tool                 31   doors,everywhere . Considering a coin
                                                             which is symmetrical with regard to
   Important Insurance Contacts                         33   its two sides, Head & Tail, when it is
                                                             tossed, it may turn up either Head or
   Statistics                                           34   Tail. Any one captain of the two com-
                                                             peting teams needs to call for the loss
   LIC News                                             36   to win or loss - simply going by intu-
   Pvt. Life News                                       38
                                                              The Insurance Regulatory
   IRDAI News                                           40             and Development Authority
                                                                       Act was passed in India in
   Glossary & Poll                                      42    1999, which allowed the introduc-
                                                              tion of private companies to partici-
                                                              pate in the insurance market in In-
                                                              dia and named the IRDA as the sole
                                                              insurance regulatory body to over-
                                                              see all insurance-related activity.
                                                              The mandate of the IRDA was to
                                                              both regulate the insurance indus-
                                                              try, and also to help develop the

4                                             March 2016     Life Insurance Today
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