Page 27 - Life Insurance Today March 2016
P. 27

Elite Assure Plan

                                                            from Star Union Di-ichi Life Insurance

SUD Life's Elite Assure Plan combines savings and            Financial stability to your family in case of your
                                                                 unfortunate demise
protection, to give the freedom to build a supplementary
future income.                                              Key Features:

Benefits:                                                    Income Benefit - Monthly Income as chosen: Min- Rs.
                                                                 10,000, Max- Rs.5,40,000
 Flexibility to Choose Future Income:
     1. 5-5-5 option- Pay premium for 5 years, your money    Death Benefit: Sum Assured (i.e. 11 X Annual premium,
          accumulates for another 5 years and then receive       rounded up to the next Rs. 1000).
          payouts in the next 5 years
                                                             Policy Term: 15 years / 21 years.
     2. 7-7-7 option- Pay premium for 7 years, your money    Premium Payment Modes: Yearly, Half Yearly, Quarterly
          accumulates for another 7 years and then receive
          payouts in the next 7 years                            or Monthly.
                                                             Income tax benefits under section 80(C) & 10(10D).
 Assured Benefits including
     1. Monthly Benefit as chosen                           Eligibility:

     2. Annual Income- 5 X monthly income                    Entry Age: 20-50 years
                                                             Maturity Age: 35-71 years
     3. Lump sum at the end of the policy term- up to 60
          X monthly income

                      New rules for acquiring a passport

The ministry of external affairs has recently changed some  Aadhaar details, the passport department can verify
of the passport rules to ease out stress of the applicant.  them," a ministry official said. Of the three identity
The rules are:                                              documents, only the Aadhaar can be verified on the
                                                            Internet in real time.
Normal passport before police verification
                                                            Earlier, people applying for a normal passport would have
The new rule says people applying for a passport for the    to wait for the police to carry out a physical verification
first time under "Normal" category can get their passport   of their address and check their crime record, if any. It
without police verification if they submit the following    means the police will conduct a verification after the
documents while appearing for an interview at the           passport is issued (as in the case of a Tatkal passport). This
Passport Seva Kendra:                                       will save an applicant at least a month that the cops
o Aadhaar card                                              usually take to file a report.

o PAN card                                                  Booking an appointment

o EPIC (electoral photo identity card)                      The new rule states an applicant will get to choose from
                                                            a list of five dates available at the earliest. On clicking the
o An affidavit in form of Annexure I (format available      "book an appointment" option, a calendar pops out
     on                           offering the next five available dates the applicant can
                                                            choose from.
"The Aadhaar database has been linked to the passport
database. The moment an applicant submits his/her

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