Page 32 - Life Insurance Today March 2016
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the advantage of the tax shield.          to differentiate between the legal       whole life plan, you get both maturity
“Returns in the form of interest,         inheritor and other inheritors. “The     and death benefit. Since both events
dividends, and capital gains are          nomination concept will ensure there     are a certainty, the premia are higher.
sheltered from tax. Therefore, you can    are less chances of any dispute arising  Other policies may not have both
transfer the wealth without the           as the nominee details are clear,”       benefits together and consequently
burden of the tax,” Goel of               Mittal says.                             have lower premia,” says Gaurav Roy, says.                                                                  co-founder and operations head at
                                          While buying an insurance plan, a, a personal finance
Not only the maturity proceeds but        policyholder should keep in mind that    advice platform.
the premium invested also gets tax        maturity proceeds of the policy are
benefits, notes Mudit Kumar,              aligned to meet his own financial        The entire bucket of insurance
appointed actuary, Bharti AXA Life        objectives. He should also be aware of   policies being used for estate planning
Insurance.                                the premium payment term,                is not very prevalent in India, though
                                          affordability of paying the premium      there is a provision for doing it by
“The benefit of using insurance for       every year and risks involved in the     assigning the policies under the
creation of assets or for passing on      policy, plus the consequences of         Married Women’s Protection Act, says
wealth is that beside the maturity        discontinuing the premium payment.       Roy. A policy assigned under this law
value, the policyholder gets life cover   He should also make sure the             effectively shields the proceeds from
for the entire policy term. Investing in  nominee details are correct and          claims by any other party like
a fully funded policy can also provide    complete, Kumar adds.                    creditors or banks and ensures the
income to the purchaser, by                                                        proceeds are divided only among the
surrendering the policy for its cash      Insurance companies offer whole life     nominees. One can assign any kind of
value. Policyholders should develop a     plans as products specifically meant     policy, term plan, traditional or Ulip
strategy before investing, as on how      for passing on wealth to heirs. Such     under this Act.
much to invest (one must not              plans offer two payments. One sum
overfund the policy and should save       assured, along with the bonus and        “Although the name is Married
for their own purpose as well) and in     other benefits, is paid as survival      Women’s Protection Act, you can
which instrument,” Kumar says.            benefit at the end of the policy term.   include your wife and children under
                                          In addition, there is another sum        it as nominees. But once it is assigned
Conditions to note                        assured for the entire life. Recently,   under this Act, the policyholder may
                                          Reliance Life Insurance launched a       not make any further changes to it
Policyholders have to careful about       Lifelong Savings Plan. HDFC Life and     since it is not the property of the
the nomination in such cases.             IDBI Federal are some others with        policy holder any longer,” Roy notes.
Through the nomination, it is possible    similar products.
                                                                                   It is due to this rigidity and partly due
                                          The idea is that customers can buy       to lack of awareness about this clause
                                          the plan at 30 years of age, when        that not many take advantage of it to
                                          premia are lower, enjoy cover for        pass on their wealth. It also requires
                                          their entire lives and leave some        the policyholder to fill up an
                                          Money for their families when they       additional form while purchasing the
                                          pass away, not possible in a pure term   policy. As the policyholder can decide
                                          plan. But, if you compare costs, whole   how much of the proceeds should be
                                          life plans are costlier than pure term   assigned to each nominee, it can be
                                          ones. The returns don’t justify the      effectively used for passing on your
                                          high premia, which is why financial      wealth and ensuring no disputes.
                                          planners don’t advise such plans.“In a   (Source: Business Standard)

    "The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."

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