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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
                                              Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter

                                             THE TORCH
             November 2019                                                                       Volume 46 Issue 3

         Message from President Brown

                                                  paign.  Members are encouraged to vol-
       Happy Thanksgiving, Sorors!                unteer to make sure that the city of Mont-
                                                  gomery is COUNTED!
       As we approach the end of the year and
       the  holiday  season,  let  us  pause  to       Thank  you,  Economic  Development
       reflect on all of our blessings and every-  Committee  for  planning  the  inaugural
       thing  for  which  we  have  to  be  thankful.  Minority  and  Small  Business  Vendor
       Thank you, Sorors, for having a servant’s  Fair.    The  event  features  a  variety  of
       heart  and  providing  service  to  all  man-  black-owned  businesses,  including  busi-  Inside  The
       kind as we execute the programs of our  nesses owned by our chapter members.                  Torch
       Five  Point  Thrust.  It  is  through  the  pro-  The purpose of this event is to highlight
       grams  that  we  are  able  to  provide  the  the importance of supporting small busi-  Chaplain’s Corner   2
       IMPACTFUL service to our community.        nesses, and in doing so we are building
                                                  our communities as well.  I hope to see
       Congratulations  on  being  the  number    you  on  Saturday,  November  2,  2019  at   Vendor Fair         3
       one team in the city and in our national   Trenholm  State  Community  College
       organization  in  supporting  the  American   (Troy Highway campus) from 9:00 AM to    Donation to Africa   4
       Cancer Society’s  Making Strides Against   2:00 PM to kick off our holiday shopping!
       Breast  Cancer  Walk!  Collectively,  the                                              Spotlight on Sorors    4
       chapter  donated  nearly  $7000  for  the  Special thanks to the Chaplain’s council    We Rolled!           5
       walk.  Even the rain did not stop our ded-  for giving us a weekly dose of inspiration
       icated  team  members  from  walking  for  and the monthly prayer call.                Making Strides       6 –7
       the cause.  I appreciate the efforts of the
       Community Outreach Committee in coor-      As we begin to wrap up 2019 and head        Delta Care—          8-9
       dinating the effort.  As we recognized our   into the new year, there are events and   Becoming Whole
       survivors  during  the  October  meeting,   programs  planned  by  all  committees.    A&L—Harriet           10
       they provided inspiration and encourage-   The support of all members is needed to
       ment  as they  shared  with  the  chapter  a   make them successful.  Plan to “ring the   Founders Day       11
       little  piece  of  their  journey.  Thank  you   bell;”  dance  in  your  “Harlem  Nights  at-
       survivors  for  educating  us  and  showing   tire;” wrap gifts, contribute to internation-  Sorors in the    12
       us what strong women look like!            al causes, mix at the “holiday mixer” and   Spotlight
                                                  celebrate each other!  We need all of this
       Thank  you,  Political  Awareness  and  In-  and all of you to continue to uphold the   Birthdays            13
       volvement  for  your  steadfast  efforts  on   mission of our organization.            Courtesies            14
       educating, motivating, and engaging citi-
       zens in our service area around the polit-  In closing,  I pray that each of you have a   Upcoming Events    15
       ical  process.    The  committee,  with  the   Thanksgiving  filled  with  bountiful  bless-
       support of partnering agencies and indi-   ings!                                       Important Dates       16
       viduals,  contributed  to  the  increase  in   Committed to IMPACTFUL Service,
       voter  turnout  during  the  recent  Run-off                                               Special Points
       Municipal  Election.    The  efforts  of  this   Cassandra
       committee  contributed  vastly  to  the  his-                                                of  Interest:
       toric election of the first African American                                              Founders Day
       Mayor  in  the  city  of  Montgomery.    The   Cassandra E. Brown
       Political Awareness and Involvement and    Chapter President                              Vendors Fair
       Social Action committees will be looking
       to members of the chapter to assist with                                                  Harriet
       the  upcoming  Census  2020  Cam-
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