Page 5 - The TorchNovemberr 2019 (1)
P. 5

We Rolled!

        The     Montgomery                                                                    their  platform.  A
        (AL)        Alumnae                                                                   texting  service  for
        Chapter’s  Rollin  to                                                                 people  to  find  their
        the  Polls,  a  voting                                                                polling     locations
        initiative,  started in                                                               and register to vote
        2016  to  help  in-                                                                   was  also  estab-
        crease voter turnout                                                                  lished  through  this
        in      marginalized                                                                  platform.  Ex-felons
        communities.  This                                                                    who  needed  their
        initiative focuses on                                                                 voting   rights   re-
        different      voting                                                                 stored  used  this
        components      such                                                                  service  as  well  to
        as  voter  education,                                                                 assist  with  the  pro-
        voter  engagement,                                                                    cess.
        voter    registration,
        voting  rights  resto-
        ration,  and  trans-                                                                  On  Election  Day,
        porting voters to the                                                                 the     Montgomery
        polls on Election Day.  There are over 20 part-         (AL)  Alumnae  Chapter  coordinated  with  Black
        nering organizations that contribute to the suc-        Voters Matter to have comedian Rickey Smiley
        cess  of  this  initiative  such  as:  The  Southern    travel  with  sorors  to  different  precincts  in  the
        Poverty  Law  Center,  American  Civil  Liberties       city to motivate people to vote.   As a result of
                                                                our  work, we  knocked  on  approximately  2,000
        Union  (ACLU),  Black  Voters  Matters,  Alpha          doors,  registered  over  300  people,  and  trans-
        Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and The Links.              ported 127 voters to the polls.  For the first time
                                                                in  almost  200  years  citizens  of  Montgomery,
        This  work  is  year-                                                                  Alabama        have
        round and embraces                                                                     overwhelming
        all  levels  of  politics                                                              elected  its  first
        including  the  recent                                                                 Black  Mayor.   We
        Municipal  Election.                                                                   will start preparing
        We began educating                                                                     for  the  2020  elec-
        and  training  sorors,                                                                 tion  on  December
        our  partners,  and                                                                    7,  2019,  with  our
        volunteers  as  early                                                                  next      volunteer
        as     February     2,                                                                 training   session.
        2019.  Once training                                                                   The  Montgomery
        was  completed  the                                                                    (AL)       Alumnae
        following     months                                                                   Chapter  continues
        were  dedicated  to                                                                    to be on the move
        conducting       voter                                                                 by  providing  im-
        registration  drives,  canvassing  neighborhoods,       pactful  service  to  the  community  we  serve  by
        and hosting candidate forums for mayoral and            “Rollin to the Polls” look out candidates here we
        city council candidates.  In addition to the can-       come!
        didate forums, we created Election Guides that
        provided  information  on  each  candidate  and
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