Page 6 - The TorchNovemberr 2019 (1)
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During the month of October there are many The Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter of
holidays and observances to celebrate. The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was one of
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta many sponsors highly recognized by the
Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. recognized our American Cancer Society in the “Making
“Sister Survivors” during sorority meeting Strides against Breast Cancer Walk” on Sat-
with a token of love and admiration from the urday, October 19, 2019 in downtown Mont-
Community Outreach Committee, as a part gomery. Survivors, volunteers, participants
of our collaborative activities with the Ameri- and supporters converged upon the Union
can Cancer Society. Station Train Shed as early as 7:00 a.m. to
prepare for this spectacular event. Registra-
Sister Survivors Wanda McCall - ten years;
tion began promptly at 7:30 a.m. with mem-
Cassandra W. Conway- twenty-four years;
bers of the Montgomery (AL) Alumnae
Stephanie McCovery - seven years; Linda
Chapter’s Project Outreach Committee and
Maxwell-Evans - ten years; Lillie M. Garnier
other committed Deltas leading the way.
- five years; Tashika Sykes - five years; Tra-
Our organization was first among 106 teams
cy L. Parks - eleven years; Aljanetta
in this local fundraising event and first na-
Croskery - ten years; and Lamoura Davis -
tionally among 61 participating chapters of
nine years, shared their experiences from
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Chapter
discovery, treatment, recovery to life style
members supported our own “Sister Survi-
changes. Their faith in God and inner
vors” as well as others by establishing and
strength was evident as they shared their
exceeding a fundraising goal of $3000.00
personal journeys. Our sisters reminded us
with a final donation of $6,856.00. The
to take care of ourselves through self-
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter is still
examinations, routine doctor visits, finding a
committed to supporting those who have
physician who will listen to your concerns
survived, for those who are fighting, and for
and learning how to manage stress.
those who are “Making Strides Against
Breast Cancer.”