Page 8 - The TorchNovemberr 2019 (1)
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Your Physical & Mental derful parts of yourself that you had long ago for-
Health gotten.
Becoming WHOLE Again
Fall is the season for planting new seeds! What will
Submitted by Soror Tiffany H. Taft
you decide to plant and nurture for your new har-
Changing your thinking to recognize your value vest? What are you willing to sacrifice so that you
find and make more time for you? What are you
willing to “clear” so that you may thrive fully? Here
Often times we as women, spend so much time in are a few tips to consider:
service to others, that we often forget to take care of
ourselves in a way that best serves our inner fitness 1. Put yourself first. The clearing is an inside job
and peace. How many times do you put your “to-do and begins and ends with you.
list” on your calendar or in your planner but if you
were to look at it, there is no space or time allocated
on it for you? We must learn to #pencilourselvesin 2. Change your mindset. It is not something you
so that we are better able to fully show up as our do or squeeze into your life. It is a lifestyle. A jour-
authentic selves. ney to creating the best version of you and a life you
love. It doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but
you. It is not a straight line. A perfect formula. It is
October was filled with health and wellness remind- not about “getting rid of” it is about letting go of
ers focused on women and opportunities for us to things and thoughts that do not serve you.
reconnect with our minds, body, and soul. There
was Breast Cancer Awareness, Domestic Violence 3. In order for clearing to work, you have to slow
Awareness, and Mental Illness Awareness to name a down. Yes, you, slow down! We live in a world of
few. While not all pleasant, they provide an aware-
ness and reminder to take care of our physical and speed. This work requires awareness. Daily doses,
mental health in support of our WHOLE selves. It slow drips, intentionally being consistently applied
can become easy to buy into the concept of our own over time for the real change to happen.
insignificance especially when life makes it easy Are you ready for your new opportunity to become
now to live in the world of comparison and social WHOLE again? I say you are more than ready. The
media. Don’t compare yourself sis, because you are time is NOW!
uniquely and divinely made and there is no one else
like you. Someone is waiting for you to show up and Verse of reflection: “Before you were born, I set you
share your gifts, talents, and purpose in only the
way that you can. No matter how small or grand we apart”…Jeremiah 1:5
think ourselves to be, we all have a gift to offer that Soror Tiffany H. Taft, PhD, is an Integrative Health and Wellness
is no better than the other. When we help others, Therapist focused on the science and well-being of the Mind,
we are in fact, helping ourselves. It supports the re- Body, and Spirit. She may be contact directly via email
lease of endorphins that make us feel good about at or via her website: https://
ourselves and the work that we do. Our very exist-
ence affects countless people in ways that we may
never fully realize. Every woman matters.
If you find yourself in a space of thinking that you or
your work does not matter, think again. Let go of
the self-rejecting, self-sabotaging, and negative
words that you have said to yourself since you were
small. What is at the root of that thinking or those
feelings? Address the movie you keep replaying in
your mind and decide to tell a different story from
this day forward. Yes, the thoughts count too. Be-
lieve and know that you are in divine order for such
a time as this. When you are able to shift your per-
ceptions around, your own ability to affect your life
and impact the world, you just may discover won-